Linha 1 014: |
Linha 1 014: |
| | width="5%" style="border-top-style: hidden; border-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: hidden; border-width: 1px" | | | | width="5%" style="border-top-style: hidden; border-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: hidden; border-width: 1px" | |
| | align="center" | [[Arquivo:663-Talonflame.png|link=Talonflame]] || align="center" | Talonflame || align="center" | $25000 | | | align="center" | [[Arquivo:663-Talonflame.png|link=Talonflame]] || align="center" | Talonflame || align="center" | $25000 |
| | |- |
| | | align="center" height="40" | [[Arquivo:749-Mudbray.png|link=Mudbray]] || align="center" | Mudbray|| align="center" | $20000 |
| | | width="5%" style="border-top-style: hidden; border-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: hidden; border-width: 1px" | |
| | | align="center" | [[Arquivo:750-Mudsdale.png|link=Mudsdale]] || align="center" | Mudsdale|| align="center" | $30000 |
| | | width="5%" style="border-top-style: hidden; border-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: hidden; border-width: 1px" | |
| | | align="center" | [[Arquivo:407-Roserade.png|link=Roserade]] || align="center" | Roserade || align="center" | $120000 |
| |} | | |} |
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Edição das 22h01min de 16 de junho de 2021
A NPC Heather compra todos os Pokémon, seus dolls e toys.
› Diálogo vendendo Pokémon
Você: hi
Heather: Welcome to Toy store, we have rare pokedolls for trade! I buy Pokemons too, do you have any?
Você: venusaur (nome do pokémon)
Heather: So you want to sel a "Venusaur" for "18000" dollars, are you sure?
Você: yes
Heather: Thank you, take your money
› Diálogo vendendo Dolls
Você: hi
Heather: Welcome to Toy store, we have rare pokedolls for trade! I buy Pokemons too, do you have any?
Você: doll
Heather: Do you want buy or sell a doll?
Você: sell
Heather: Tell me the doll name you wish to sell.
Você: pidgeot
Heather: So you want to sell a "Pidgeot" doll for "100" dollars, are you sure?
Você: yes
• Observação
Os dolls Glaceon e Leafeon são comprados apenas pelo NPC de Aventureiro chamado Todd Snap, localizado no TC.
› Diálogo vendendo Toys
Para vender seus Toys segure a tecla Ctrl e clique com botão direito no NPC. Ao aparecer o menu conforme imagem abaixo clique na opção "Loja" ou "Conversar".
• Observação
Alguns Toys são comprados apenas pelo NPC de Aventureiro chamado Todd Snap, localizado no TC.
› Dica
Se desejar, pode vender todos os toys de uma só vez pela Loja. Segure CTRL e clique com o botão direito do mouse no npc, selecionando a opção Loja. Após isso, clique em "Vender" e depois em "Venda rápida". Dessa forma, você poderá vender diferentes toys de uma só vez.
› Lista dos preços dos pokémon
Para facilitar a busca, utilize o comando ctrl+f e digite o nome do Pokémon que deseja.
Abomasnow |
Abra |
Absol |
Aggron |
Aipom |
Alakazam |
Altaria |
Ampharos |
Anorith |
Arbok |
Arcanine |
Ariados |
Armaldo |
Aron |
Azumarill |
Bagon |
Baltoy |
Banette |
Bastiodon |
Bayleef |
Beedrill |
Beldum |
Bellossom |
Bellsprout |
Big Magikarp |
Blastoise |
Blaziken |
Blissey |
Bronzong |
Bronzor |
Bulbasaur |
Butterfree |
Camerupt |
Castform |
Caterpie |
Chansey |
Charizard |
Charmander |
Charmeleon |
Chikorita |
Chinchou |
Claydol |
Clefable |
Clefairy |
Cleffa |
Cloyster |
Combusken |
Corphish |
Corsola |
Crawdaunt |
Croagunk |
Crobat |
Croconaw |
Cubone |
Cyndaquil |
Dark Abra |
Delibird |
Dewgong |
Diglett |
Dodrio |
Doduo |
Donphan |
Dragonair |
Dragonite |
Dratini |
Drowzee |
Dugtrio |
Dunsparce |
Dusclops |
Dusknoir |
Duskull |
Eevee |
Ekans |
Electabuzz |
Electivire |
Electrike |
Electrode |
Elekid |
Elite Hitmonchan |
Elite Hitmonlee |
Elite Hitmontop |
Empoleon |
Espeon |
Exeggcute |
Exeggutor |
Exploud |
Farfetch'd |
Fearow |
Feebas |
Feraligatr |
Flaaffy |
Flareon |
Flygon |
Forretress |
Froslass |
Furret |
Gallade |
Gardevoir |
Gastly |
Gengar |
Geodude |
Giant Magikarp |
Girafarig |
Glalie |
Gligar |
Gliscor |
Gloom |
Golbat |
Goldeen |
Golduck |
Golem |
Granbull |
Graveler |
Grimer |
Grovyle |
Growlithe |
Grumpig |
Gyarados |
Hariyama |
Haunter |
Heracross |
Hitmonchan |
Hitmonlee |
Hitmontop |
Honchkrow |
Hoothoot |
Hoppip |
Horsea |
Houndoom |
Houndour |
Hypno |
Igglybuff |
Infernape |
Ivysaur |
Jigglypuff |
Jolteon |
Jumpluff |
Jynx |
Kabuto |
Kabutops |
Kadabra |
Kakuna |
Kangaskhan |
Kecleon |
Kingdra |
Kingler |
Kirlia |
Koffing |
Krabby |
Lairon |
Lanturn |
Lapras |
Larvitar |
Ledian |
Ledyba |
Lickitung |
Lombre |
Lotad |
Loudred |
Lucario |
Ludicolo |
Luxray |
Machamp |
Machoke |
Machop |
Magby |
Magcargo |
Magikarp |
Magmar |
Magmortar |
Magnemite |
Magneton |
Magnezone |
Makuhita |
Manectric |
Mankey |
Mantine |
Mareep |
Marill |
Marowak |
Marshtomp |
Mawile |
Medicham |
Meditite |
Meganium |
Meowth |
Metagross |
Metang |
Metapod |
Milotic |
Miltank |
Mini Magikarp |
Minun |
Minun and Plusle |
Misdreavus |
Mr.Mime |
Mudkip |
Muk |
Murkrow |
Natu |
Nidoking |
Nidoqueen |
Nidoranfe |
Nidoranma |
Nidorina |
Nidorino |
Nincada |
Ninetales |
Ninjask |
Noctowl |
Numel |
Nuzleaf |
Octilllery |
Oddish |
Omanyte |
Omastar |
$ 75000
Onix |
Pachirisu |
Paras |
Parasect |
Persian |
Phanpy |
Pichu |
Pidgeot |
Pidgeotto |
Pidgey |
Pikachu |
Piloswine |
Pineco |
Pinsir |
Plusle |
Politoed |
Poliwag |
Poliwhirl |
Poliwrath |
Ponyta |
Porygon |
Porygon2 |
Primeape |
Psyduck |
Pupitar |
Quagsire |
Quilava |
Qwilfish |
Raichu |
Ralts |
Rapidash |
Raticate |
Rattata |
Remoraid |
Rhydon |
Rhyhorn |
Rhyperior |
Riolu |
Rotom |
Sableye |
Salamence |
Sandshrew |
Sandslash |
Sceptile |
Scizor |
Scyther |
Seadra |
Seaking |
Sealeo |
Seedot |
Seel |
Sentret |
Seviper |
Shedinja |
Shelgon |
Shellder |
Shieldon |
Shiftry |
Shiny Fearow |
Shiny Flareon |
Shiny Golem |
Shiny Hypno |
Shiny Jolteon |
Shiny Lucario |
Shiny Nidoking |
Shiny Vaporeon |
Shiny Vileplume |
Shuckle |
Shuppet |
Skarmory |
Skiploom |
Slaking |
Slakoth |
Slowbro |
Slowking |
Slowpoke |
Slugma |
Smeargle 2 |
Smeargle 3 |
Smeargle 4 |
Smeargle 5 |
Smeargle 6 |
Smeargle 7 |
Smeargle 8 |
Smoochum |
Sneasel |
Snorlax |
Snorunt |
Snover |
Snubbull |
Spearow |
Spheal |
Spinarak |
Spoink |
Squirtle |
Stantler |
Starmie |
Staryu |
Steelix |
Sudowoodo |
Sunflora |
Sunkern |
Swablu |
Swampert |
Swellow |
Swinub |
Taillow |
Tangela |
Tangrowth |
Tauros |
Teddiursa |
Tentacool |
Tentacruel |
Togekiss |
Togepi |
Togetic |
Torchic |
Torkoal |
Torterra |
Totodile |
Tropius |
Typhlosion |
Tyranitar |
Tyrogue |
Umbreon |
Ursaring |
Vaporeon |
Venomoth |
Venonat |
Venusaur |
Vibrava |
Victreebel |
Vigoroth |
Vileplume |
Voltorb |
Vulpix |
Walrein |
Wartortle |
Weedle |
Weepinbell |
Weezing |
Whismur |
Wigglytuff |
Wobbuffet |
Wooper |
Xatu |
Yanma |
Zangoose |
Zubat |
Leafeon |
Glaceon |
Ambipom |
Axew |
Barboach |
Beartic |
Bisharp |
Blitzle |
Breloom |
Bunnelby |
Burmy |
Carvanha |
Chandelure |
Cradily |
Cranidos |
Crustle |
Cubchoo |
Darmanitan |
Darumaka |
Diggersby |
Drapion |
Drilbur |
Dwebble |
Eelektrik |
Eelektross |
Emolga |
Excadrill |
Ferroseed |
Ferrothorn |
Fraxure |
Gabite |
Galvantula |
Garchomp |
Gible |
Gogoat |
Gurdurr |
Haxorus |
Heatmor |
Hippopotas |
Hippowdon |
Joltik |
Klang |
Klink |
Klinklang |
Lampent |
Lickilicky |
Lileep |
Litleo |
Litwick |
Mightyena |
Munchlax |
Nosepass |
Pansear |
Pawniard |
Pelipper |
Poochyena |
Probopass |
Pyroar |
Rampardos |
Sharpedo |
Pyroar Female |
Simisear |
Skiddo |
Skorupi |
Sylveon |
Timburr |
Trapinch |
Tynamo |
Weavile |
Whiscash |
Wingull |
Wormadam |
Zebstrika |
Shroomish |
Buneary |
Lopunny |
Beautifly |
Wurmple |
Silcoon |
Cascoon |
Dustox |
Linoone |
Zigzagoon |
Surskit |
Masquerain |
Yamask |
Cofagrigus |
Shiny Magby |
Shiny Donphan |
Shiny Grumpig |
Shiny Cloyster |
Shiny Elekid |
Shiny Nidoqueen |
Shiny Togetic |
Shiny Munchlax |
Shiny Forretress |
Wormadam Ground |
Wormadam Steel |
Roselia |
Combee |
Vespiquen |
Throh |
Sawk |
Mantyke |
Flabébé |
Floette |
Florges |
Kricketot |
Kricketune |
Cacnea |
Cacturne |
Treecko |
Starly |
Staravia |
Staraptor |
Fletchling |
Fletchinder |
Talonflame |
Mudbray |
Mudsdale |
Roserade |
› Localização:
Orange Islands