Shiny Togetic

De PokeXGames
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Informações Gerais

Nome: Shiny Togetic
Level: 100
Elemento: Fairy / Flying
Habilidades: Rock Smash, Light and Headbutt.
Boost: Feather Stone ou Heart Stone (2)
Materia: Psycraft Superior ou Wingeon Superior

Este Pokémon é EXCLUSIVO do clã Wingeon em batalhas PvP.


Togetic precisa de Level 100.


Se não crescer com pessoas gentis, fica desanimado. Pode flutuar no ar sem mover as asas.


Moveset PVP

M1 Attract (45s) Self Buff Nevermiss Normal
Level 100
M2 Dazzling Gleam (18s) Target Damage Fairy
Level 100
M3 Great Love (50s) AOE Damage Confusion Fairy
Level 100
M4 Disarming Voice (40s) AOE Damage Paralyze Fairy
Level 100
M5 Peck (20s) Target Damage Flying
Level 100
M6 Emergency Call (40s) AOE Buff Nevermiss Normal
Level 100
M7 Protection (40s) AOE Buff Nevermiss Normal
Level 100
M8 Healarea (150s) AOE Healing Nevermiss Normal
Level 100
M9 Sky Camouflage (60s) Self AOE Buff Fairy
Level 100

Moveset PVE

M1 Attract (45s) Self Buff Nevermiss Normal
Level 100
M2 Dazzling Gleam (18s) Target Damage Fairy
Level 100
M3 Great Love (50s) AOE Damage Confusion Fairy
Level 100
M4 Disarming Voice (40s) AOE Damage Paralyze Fairy
Level 100
M5 Peck (20s) Target Damage Flying
Level 100
M6 Emergency Call (40s) AOE Buff Nevermiss Normal
Level 100
M7 Protection (60s) AOE Buff Nevermiss Normal
Level 100
M8 Healarea (80s) AOE Healing Nevermiss Normal
Level 100
M9 Sky Camouflage (60s) Self AOE Buff Fairy
Level 100


Efetivo: Electric, Ice, Poison, Rock and Steel.
Normal: Normal, Fire, Water, Flying, Psychic, Ghost, Crystal and Fairy.
Inefetivo: Grass and Dark.
Muito Inefetivo: Fighting and Bug.
Nulo: Ground and Dragon.

Outras Versões

176-Togetic.png Togetic