Minun and Plusle

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Informações Gerais

Nome: Minun and Plusle
Level: 100
Elemento: Electric
Habilidades: Light.
Boost: Thunder Stone (3)
Materia: Raibolt Superior


Minun and Plusle precisa de Level 100.


Torce pelos amigos. Se seus amigos estão perdendo, seu corpo solta mais e mais faíscas.


Moveset PVP

M1 Sweet Kiss (40s) AOE Confusion Fairy
Level 100
M2 Spark (10s) Target Damage Electric
Level 100
M3 Nuzzle (40s) AOE Damage Buff Paralyze Electric
Level 100
M4 Thunder Wrath (45s) AOE Damage Electric
Level 100
M5 Split (40s) Self Buff Normal
Level 100
M6 Helping Hand (30s) AOE Buff Nevermiss Normal
Level 100
M7 Protection (40s) AOE Buff Nevermiss Normal
Level 100
M8 Wish (150s) AOE Healing Nevermiss Normal
Level 100
P Afraid of Needles Passive Buff Debuff Normal

Moveset PVE

M1 Sweet Kiss (40s) AOE Confusion Fairy
Level 100
M2 Spark (10s) Target Damage Electric
Level 100
M3 Nuzzle (40s) AOE Damage Buff Paralyze Electric
Level 100
M4 Thunder Wrath (45s) AOE Damage Electric
Level 100
M5 Split (40s) Self Buff Normal
Level 100
M6 Helping Hand (50s) AOE Buff Nevermiss Normal
Level 100
M7 Protection (60s) AOE Buff Nevermiss Normal
Level 100
M8 Wish (80s) AOE Healing Nevermiss Normal
Level 100
P Afraid of Needles Passive Buff Debuff Normal


Muito Efetivo: Ground.
Normal: Normal, Fire, Water, Grass, Ice, Fighting, Poison, Psychic, Bug, Rock, Ghost, Dragon, Dark, Crystal and Fairy.
Muito Inefetivo: Electric, Flying and Steel.

Outras Versões

311-Plusle.png Plusle
312-Minun.png Minun