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192 - Sunflora.gif

Informações Gerais

Nome: Sunflora
Level: 30
Elemento: Grass
Habilidades: Cut and Light.
Boost: Leaf Stone (9)
Materia: Naturia


Sunkern precisa de Level 1.
Sunflora precisa de Level 30.


Durante o dia, ele corre de maneira agitada, mas para completamente quando o sol se põe.


M1 Leech Seed (20s) Target Lifesteal Grass
Level 30
M2 Razor Leaf (10s) Target Damage Grass
Level 30
M3 Petal Dance (25s) AOE Damage Grass
Level 30
M4 Bullet Seed (30s) AOE Damage Grass
Level 30
M5 Sunny Day (40s) AOE Buff Silence Nevermiss Fire
Level 30
M6 Solar Beam (60s) AOE Damage Grass
Level 30
P Mega Drain Passive Lifesteal Grass


Muito Efetivo: Fire, Ice, Poison, Flying and Bug.
Normal: Normal, Fighting, Psychic, Rock, Ghost, Dragon, Steel, Dark, Crystal and Fairy.
Muito Inefetivo: Water, Grass, Electric and Ground.