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279 - Pelipper.gif

Informações Gerais

Nome: Pelipper
Level: 80
Elemento: Water / Flying
Habilidades: Fly.
Boost: Water Stone ou Feather Stone (3)
Materia: Wingeon Enhanced ou Seavell Enhanced


Wingull precisa de Level 30.
Pelipper precisa de Level 80.


É um transportador voador que carrega pequenos Pokémon no bico. Ele balança nas ondas para descansar suas asas.


Moveset PvP

M1 Super Sonic (30s) Target Confusion Normal
Level 80
M2 Gust (10s) AOE Damage Flying
Level 80
M3 Feather Dance (20s) Target Damage Flying
Level 80
M4 Surf (60s) AOE Damage Water
Level 80
M5 Swallow (150s) AOE Healing Nevermiss Normal
Level 80
M6 Stockpile (5s) Self Buff Nevermiss Normal
Level 80
M7 Protection (45s) AOE Buff Nevermiss Normal
Level 80
M8 Helping Hand (40s) AOE Buff Nevermiss Normal
Level 80
M9 Hurricane (50s) AOE Confusion Water
Level 80
P Drizzle Buff Passive Water
P Clear Pile Passive Debuff Normal
Level 80

Moveset PvE

M1 Super Sonic (30s) Target Confusion Normal
Level 80
M2 Gust (10s) AOE Damage Flying
Level 80
M3 Feather Dance (20s) Target Damage Flying
Level 80
M4 Surf (60s) AOE Damage Water
Level 80
M5 Swallow (80s) AOE Healing Nevermiss Normal
Level 80
M6 Stockpile (30s) Self Buff Nevermiss Normal
Level 80
M7 Protection (45s) AOE Buff Nevermiss Normal
Level 80
M8 Helping Hand (40s) AOE Buff Nevermiss Normal
Level 80
M9 Hurricane (50s) AOE Confusion Water
Level 80
P Drizzle Buff Passive Water
P Clear Pile Passive Debuff Normal
Level 80


Muito Efetivo: Electric.
Efetivo: Rock.
Normal: Normal, Grass, Ice, Poison, Flying, Psychic, Ghost, Dragon, Dark, Crystal and Fairy.
Inefetivo: Fire, Water, Fighting, Bug and Steel.
Muito Inefetivo: Ground.