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344 - Claydol.gif

Informações Gerais

Nome: Claydol
Level: 80
Elemento: Ground / Psychic
Habilidades: Light, Rock Smash, Dig, Headbutt and Teleport.
Boost: Earth Stone ou Enigma Stone (3)
Materia: Orebound Enhanced ou Psycraft Enhanced


Baltoy precisa de Level 30.
Claydol precisa de Level 80.


Uma antiga estatueta de argila que ganhou vida como Pokémon pela exposição a um misterioso raio de luz.


M1 Mud Sport (32s) Target Damage Blind Neverboost Ground
Level 80
M2 Extrasensory (25s) AOE Damage Psychic
Level 80
M3 Psybeam (10s) AOE Damage Psychic
Level 80
M4 Psychic (30s) AOE Damage Psychic
Level 80
M5 Earth Power (35s) AOE Damage Ground
Level 80
M6 Earthquake (60s) AOE Damage Ground
Level 80
M7 Sandstorm (60s) AOE Buff Blind Slow Rock
Level 80
M8 Heal Block (80s) Target Buff Nevermiss Psychic
Level 80
M9 Guard Split (80s) Target Buff Debuff Nevermiss Psychic
Level 80
M10 Protect (60s) Self Buff Normal
Level 80
P Levitate Passive Buff Normal


Efetivo: Water, Grass, Ice, Bug, Ghost and Dark.
Normal: Normal, Fire, Ground, Flying, Dragon, Steel, Crystal and Fairy.
Inefetivo: Fighting, Poison, Psychic and Rock.
Nulo: Electric.