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208 - Steelix.gif

Informações Gerais

Nome: Steelix
Level: 100
Elemento: Steel / Ground
Habilidades: Cut, Dig, Rock Smash, Ride and Headbutt.
Boost: Metal Stone (30)
Materia: Ironhard Superior ou Orebound Superior


Onix precisa de Level 50.
Steelix precisa de Level 100.


Seu corpo foi comprimido profundamente no chão. Como resultado, é ainda mais duro que Diamante.


Moveset PVP

M1 Iron Tail (10s) Target Damage Steel
Level 100
M2 Iron Head (15s) Target Damage Steel
Level 100
M3 Sand Tomb (45s) AOE Damage Stun Ground
Level 100
M4 Rock Tomb (20s) Target Damage Slow Rock
Level 100
M5 Stone Edge (15s) Target Damage Rock
Level 100
M6 Earth Power (40s) AOE Damage Ground
Level 100
M7 Sand Eruption (60s) AOE Damage Ground
Level 100
M8 Fissure (60s) AOE Damage Ground
Level 100
M9 Harden (40s) Self Buff Normal
Level 100

Moveset PVE

M1 Iron Tail (10s) Target Damage Steel
Level 100
M2 Iron Head (15s) Target Damage Steel
Level 100
M3 Sand Tomb (40s) AOE Damage Stun Ground
Level 100
M4 Rock Tomb (20s) Target Damage Slow Rock
Level 100
M5 Stone Edge (15s) Target Damage Rock
Level 100
M6 Earth Power (40s) AOE Damage Ground
Level 100
M7 Sand Eruption (50s) AOE Damage Ground
Level 100
M8 Fissure (50s) AOE Damage Ground
Level 100
M9 Harden (40s) Self Buff Normal
Level 100


Efetivo: Fire, Water, Fighting and Ground.
Normal: Grass, Ice, Ghost, Dark and Crystal.
Inefetivo: Normal, Flying, Psychic, Bug, Dragon, Steel and Fairy.
Muito Inefetivo: Rock.
Nulo: Electric and Poison.

Outras Versões

208-MegaSteelix.png Mega Steelix
Shiny steelix.png Golden Steelix