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203 - Girafarig.gif

Informações Gerais

Nome: Girafarig
Level: 80
Elemento: Normal / Psychic
Habilidades: Teleport, Rock Smash, Light, Ride and Headbutt.
Boost: Enigma Stone (3)
Materia: Gardestrike Enhanced ou Psycraft Enhanced


Girafarig precisa de Level 80.


Quando está em perigo, sua cauda usa algum tipo de poder misterioso para afastar o inimigo.


M1 Tackle (10s) Target Damage Normal
Level 80
M2 Crunch (10s) Target Damage Dark
Level 80
M3 Shadow Ball (10s) Target Damage Ghost
Level 80
M4 Foul Play (30s) Target Damage Dark
Level 80
M5 Shock Wave (25s) AOE Paralyze Electric
Level 80
M6 Astonish (25s) AOE Damage Ghost
Level 80
M7 Assurance (50s) AOE Damage Dark
Level 80
M8 Nasty Plot (25s) AOE Damage Buff Dark
Level 80
M9 Reflect (60s) Self Buff Psychic
Level 80
M10 Agility (40s) Self Buff Flying
Level 80
P Early Bird Passive Buff Ghost


Efetivo: Bug and Dark.
Normal: Normal, Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Ice, Fighting, Poison, Ground, Flying, Rock, Dragon, Steel, Crystal and Fairy.
Inefetivo: Psychic.
Nulo: Ghost.