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157 - Typhlosion.gif

Informações Gerais

Nome: Typhlosion
Level: 80
Elemento: Fire
Habilidades: Dig, Rock Smash, Cut, Light and Headbutt.
Boost: Fire Stone (3)
Materia: Volcanic Enhanced


Cyndaquil precisa de Level 20.
Quilava precisa de Level 40.
Typhlosion precisa de Level 80.


Ele pode esconder-se atrás de uma névoa de calor cintilante que cria usando suas chamas intensas. Cria ardentes explosões que queimam tudo em cinzas.


Moveset PVP

M1 Quick Attack (15s) Target Damage Normal
Level 80
M2 Swift (20s) Target Damage Normal
Level 80
M3 Ember (10s) Target Damage Fire
Level 80
M4 Fire Punch (20s) Target Damage Fire
Level 80
M5 Flame Circle (20s) AOE Damage Fire
Level 80
M6 Smokescreen (35s) AOE Blind Normal
Level 80
M7 Eruption (45s) AOE Damage Slow Fire
Level 80
M8 Lava Plume (45s) AOE Damage Fire
Level 85
M9 Inferno (60s) AOE Damage Burn Fire
Level 90
M10 Defense Curl (40s) Self Buff Normal
Level 80

Moveset PVE

M1 Quick Attack (15s) Target Damage Normal
Level 80
M2 Swift (20s) Target Damage Normal
Level 80
M3 Ember (10s) Target Damage Fire
Level 80
M4 Fire Punch (20s) Target Damage Fire
Level 80
M5 Flame Circle (20s) AOE Damage Fire
Level 80
M6 Smokescreen (35s) AOE Blind Normal
Level 80
M7 Eruption (45s) AOE Damage Slow Fire
Level 80
M8 Lava Plume (45s) AOE Damage Fire
Level 85
M9 Inferno (50s) AOE Damage Burn Fire
Level 90
M10 Defense Curl (40s) Self Buff Normal
Level 80


Muito Efetivo: Water, Ground and Rock.
Normal: Normal, Electric, Fighting, Poison, Flying, Psychic, Ghost, Dragon, Dark and Crystal.
Muito Inefetivo: Fire, Grass, Ice, Bug, Steel and Fairy.

Outras Versões

157-Sh Typhlosion.png Shiny Typhlosion