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587 - Emolga.gif

Informações Gerais

Nome: Emolga
Level: 80
Elemento: Electric / Flying
Habilidade: Light and Cut
Boost: Mirror Stone (5)
Materia: Raibolt Enhanced ou Wingeon Enhanced.


Emolga precisa de Level 80.


Moveset PVP

M1 Charge (40s) Self Buff Normal
Level 80
M2 Charm (60s) Self Buff Fairy
Level 80
M3 Feather Dance (8s) Target Damage Flying
Level 80
M4 Dual Wingbeat (20s) AOE Damage Flying
Level 80
M5 Air Slash (25s) AOE Damage Flying
Level 80
M6 Shock Wave (25s) AOE Paralyze Electric
Level 80
M7 Acrobatics (50s) AOE Damage Buff Slow Debuff Nevermiss Flying
Level 80
M8 Aerial Ace (80s) AOE Damage Flying
Level 80

Moveset PVE

M1 Charge (40s) Self Buff Normal
Level 80
M2 Charm (40s) Self Buff Fairy
Level 80
M3 Feather Dance (8s) Target Damage Flying
Level 80
M4 Dual Wingbeat (20s) AOE Damage Flying
Level 80
M5 Air Slash (25s) AOE Damage Flying
Level 80
M6 Shock Wave (25s) AOE Paralyze Electric
Level 80
M7 Acrobatics (40s) AOE Damage Buff Slow Debuff Nevermiss Flying
Level 80
M8 Aerial Ace (60s) AOE Damage Flying
Level 80


Efetivo: Ice and Rock.
Normal: Normal, Fire, Electric, Water, Poison, Psychic, Ghost, Dragon, Dark, Crystal and Fairy.
Inefetivo: Grass, Fighting, Flying, Bug and Steel.
Nulo: Ground.