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217 - Ursaring.gif

Informações Gerais

Nome: Ursaring
Level: 100
Elemento: Normal
Habilidades: Dig, Rock Smash, Cut and Headbutt.
Boost: Heart Stone (3)
Materia: Gardestrike Superior


Teddiursa precisa de Level 30.
Ursaring precisa de Level 100.


Embora tenha um corpo grande, é bastante hábil em escalar árvores. Come e dorme nas copas das árvores.


M1 Scratch (10s) Target Damage Normal
Level 100
M2 Slash (15s) Target Damage Normal
Level 100
M3 Hammer Arm (30s) AOE Damage Stun Fighting
Level 100
M4 Fury Swipes (20s) Target Damage Normal
Level 100
M5 Secret Power (50s) AOE Target Damage Normal
Level 100
M6 Focus Blast (50s) AOE Target Damage Fighting
Level 100
M7 Hyper Beam (50s) AOE Damage Normal
Level 100
M8 Magnitude (60s) AOE Damage Paralyze Debuff Buff Ground
Level 100
M4 Fake Tears (60s) AOE Buff Nevermiss Neutral
Level 100
P Quick Feet Passive Buff Normal


Muito Efetivo: Fighting.
Normal: Normal, Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Ice, Poison, Ground, Flying, Psychic, Bug, Rock, Dragon, Steel, Dark, Crystal and Fairy.
Nulo: Ghost.