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- Shiny Pidgeot
- Shiny Pinsir
- Shiny Politoed
- Shiny Ponyta
- Shiny Psyduck
- Shiny Pupitar
- Shiny Qwilfish
- Shiny Raichu
- Shiny Raikou
- Shiny Rampardos
- Shiny Rapidash
- Shiny Raticate
- Shiny Rattata
- Shiny Rhydon
- Shiny Rotom (mow)
- Shiny Salamence
- Shiny Sandshrew
- Shiny Sandslash
- Shiny Sceptile
- Shiny Scizor
- Shiny Scyther
- Shiny Seadra
- Shiny Shuckle
- Shiny Slowking
- Shiny Snorlax
- Shiny Squirtle
- Shiny Stantler
- Shiny Starmie
- Shiny Staryu
- Shiny Stone
- Shiny Suicune
- Shiny Swalot
- Shiny Sylveon
- Shiny Tangela
- Shiny Tangrowth
- Shiny Tauros
- Shiny Tentacool
- Shiny Tentacruel
- Shiny Togedemaru
- Shiny Togetic
- Shiny Torchic
- Shiny Torkoal
- Shiny Torterra
- Shiny Totodile
- Shiny Toxtricity
- Shiny Treecko
- Shiny Typhlosion
- Shiny Tyranitar
- Shiny Umbreon
- Shiny Vaporeon
- Shiny Venomoth
- Shiny Venonat
- Shiny Venusaur
- Shiny Vikavolt
- Shiny Vileplume
- Shiny Voltorb
- Shiny Weezing
- Shiny Whimsicott
- Shiny Whiscash
- Shiny Xatu
- Shiny Yanmega
- Shiny Zubat
- Shock Topknot
- Shroomish
- Shuckle
- Shuppet
- Silcoon
- Silicobra
- Silver Outfit
- Simisear
- Simple Bed
- Sirfetch'd
- Sistema Matrimonial
- Sistema de Boost
- Sistema de Casamento
- Sistema de Catch
- Sistema de Catch (ES)
- Sistema de Grama Alta
- Sistema de Hierba Alta
- Sistema de Indicação
- Sistema de Pokémon T1H
- Sistema de Pokémon T1H (ES)
- Sistema de Referidos
- Sistema de Ticket
- Sistema de Ticket (ES)
- Sistemas de Segurança
- Sistemas de Seguridad
- Skarmory
- Ski Poles
- Skiddo
- Skier Outfit
- Skiploom
- Skorupi
- Skrelp
- Slaking
- Slakoth
- Sliggoo
- Slow Tail
- Slowbro
- Slowking
- Slowpoke
- Slugma
- Small Antenna
- Small Bird Beak
- Small Crown
- Small Shell
- Small Stone
- Small Tail
- Small Wing
- Smeargle
- Smeargle ENG
- Smeargle ESP
- Smeargle PT
- Smoochum
- Snake Tail
- Sneasel
- Snorlax
- Snorunt
- Snover
- Snow Skis
- Snowball
- Snowboard Outfit
- Snubbull
- Sobrevivente
- Soccer 2018 1
- Soccer 2018 2
- Soccer 2022
- Social Outfit
- Socios Oficiales
- Soda Cup
- Sokobox Tutorial
- Solid Rock Paw
- Solid Water Gem
- Solrock
- Sour Beehive
- Spearow
- Special Tailoring Machine
- Special Trainer Outfit
- Spheal
- Sphinx Quest
- Spider Leg
- Spin Machine
- Spinarak
- Spiritomb
- Spoiler das Masmorras
- Spoink
- Springs
- Spritzee
- Squirrel Tail
- Squirtle
- Squirtle Hull
- Stacy Quest
- Stamina
- Stantler
- Staraptor
- Staravia
- Starly
- Starmie
- Staryu
- Status negativo
- Steel Wing
- Steelix
- Steelix Tail
- Sticky Hand
- Stone Orb
- Strange Antenna
- Strange Ball
- Strange Bone
- Strange Flower
- Strange Rock
- Strange Spike
- Strange Tail
- Strange Thing
- Strange Wing
- Straw
- Streak Tail
- Street Fighter Outfit
- Street Outfit
- Subject (14)
- Sudowoodo
- Suicune
- Suicune Devotee
- Summer Party
- Sunflora
- Sunkern
- Sunlight Cube
- Sunlight Ear
- Sunny Outfit
- Super Recursos
- Super Recursos (ES)
- Super Villain Girl
- Surgeon of Death Outfit
- Surskit
- Swablu
- Swalot
- Swampert
- Swellow
- Swimmer Outfit
- Swimming Outfit
- Swinub
- Sylveon
- Sylveon Cosplay
- T.G Champion
- T1H - Cosmic Island
- T1H - Cosmic Island (ES)
- T1H - Desert Island
- T1H - Desert Island (ES)
- Tabela de Boost
- Tabela de Experiência
- Tabela de Experiência Nightmare
- Tabla de Boost
- Tad Quest
- Taillow
- Tailoring Machine
- Talonflame
- Tangela
- Tangelo Island Quest
- Tangelo Island Quest (EN)
- Tangelo Island Quest 2
- Tangelo Island Quest 2 (EN)
- Tangrowth
- Tarefas Diárias de Natal
- Tarroco Police Quest
- Tasks
- Tauros
- Tech Ball
- Technical Machine (TM)
- Teddiursa
- Teenager Outfit
- Tempo de Respawn
- Tenant Outfit
- Tentacle
- Tentacool
- Tentacruel
- Tentacruel Tentacle
- Terceira sequencia de desafios
- The Chosen One - Articuno Dungeon
- The Chosen One - Articuno Minigame
- The Chosen One - Capítulo 1
- The Chosen One - Capítulo 2
- The Chosen One - Capítulo 3
- The Chosen One - Capítulo 4
- The Chosen One - Capítulo 5
- The Chosen One - Moltres Dungeon
- The Chosen One - Moltres Minigame
- The Chosen One - Tobias Quest
- The Chosen One - Zapdos Dungeon
- The Chosen One - Zapdos Minigame
- The Chosen One Outfit
- The Chosen One Quest
- The Device Improvement Quest
- The Device Improvement Quest (EN)
- The Duke (Nightmare Terrors)
- The Duke (Resistance)
- The Frozen Temple
- The Game
- The Good Samaritans Quest
- The Good Samaritans Quest (Labirinto)
- The Imp
- The Lost Clefairy
- The Shape Costume
- The Walking Quest
- Thrift Store
- Throh
- Thunder Stone
- Ticket System
- Tier e Funções
- Tiers (listagem)
- Timburr
- Tirtouga
- Titanium Imam
- Togedemaru
- Togekiss
- Togepi
- Togetic
- Tokens
- Tongue
- Tooth
- Topknot
- Torchic
- Torkoal
- Torneio Global (TG)
- Torneios
- Torneos
- Torterra
- Totodile
- Tournament 1
- Tournament 10
- Tournament 11
- Tournament 12
- Tournament 13
- Tournament 14
- Tournament 15
- Tournament 16
- Tournament 17
- Tournament 18
- Tournament 19
- Tournament 2
- Tournament 20
- Tournament 21
- Tournament 22
- Tournament 23
- Tournament 24
- Tournament 25
- Tournament 25 (1)
- Tournament 3
- Tournament 4
- Tournament 5
- Tournament 6
- Tournament 7
- Tournament 8
- Tournament 9
- Tower Defense
- Toxel
- Toxicroak
- Toxtricity
- Toxtricity Low Key Form
- Traces Of Ghost
- Trainer Outfit
- Trainer Tutor
- Trapinch
- Traveler Outfit
- Treecko
- Tribe Mark
- Tropical Jacquin
- Tropius
- Trubbish
- Turtwig
- Tusk
- Tutankhamoak Costume
- Tutoriais
- Tutoriais:Smeargle
- Tutoriais:Smeargle - ES
- Tutoriais:Smeargle Eng
- Tynamo
- Typhlosion
- Tyranitar
- Tyrogue
- Ultra Lab
- Ultra Lab - Alpha 1
- Ultra Lab - Alpha 2
- Ultra Lab - Alpha 3
- Ultra Lab - Alpha 4
- Uma Noite de Crime
- Umbreon