Shiny Toxtricity

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Informações Gerais

Nome: Shiny Toxtricity
Level: 100
Elemento: Electric
Habilidades: light.
Boost: Thunder Stone (2)
Materia: Raibolt Mastered


Toxtricity precisa de Level 100.


Quando este Pokémon parece estar dedilhando uma guitarra, na verdade está arranhando as protuberâncias em seu peito para gerar eletricidade.


M1 Charge (40s) Self Buff Electric
Level 100
M2 Thunder Shock (10s) Target Damage Electric
Level 100
M3 Spark (15s) Target Damage Electric
Level 100
M4 Electro Ball (20s) Target Damage Electric
Level 100
M5 Acid Spray (40s) Target Damage Slow Debuff Poison
Level 100
M6 Shock Wave (40s) AOE Damage Stun Electric
Level 100
M7 Overdrive (40s) AOE Damage Electric
Level 100
M8 Discharge (50s) AOE Damage Electric
Level 100
M9 Shadow Bolt (50s) AOE Damage Electric
Level 100
P Water Compaction Passive Buff Ground
Level 100


Muito Efetivo: Ground.
Normal: Normal, Fire, Water, Grass, Ice, Fighting, Poison, Psychic, Bug, Rock, Ghost, Dragon, Dark, Crystal and Fairy.
Muito Inefetivo: Electric, Flying and Steel.

Outras Versões

849-Toxtricity.png Toxtricity
849-Toxtricity Low Key Form.png Toxtricity Low Key Form