Shiny Pinsir

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Informações Gerais

Nome: Shiny Pinsir
Level: 100
Elemento: Bug
Habilidades: Dig, Cut, Rock Smash and Headbutt.
Boost: Cocoon Stone (2)
Materia: Naturia Mastered


Shiny Pinsir precisa de Level 100.


Um raro Pinsir vermelho e enfurecido. Ele agarra a presa com suas pinças até que ela seja rasgada ao meio. O que não pode rasgar, ele atira longe.


Movimentos PvP

M1 Bug Bite (8s) Target Damage Bug
Level 100
M2 Vital Throw (30s) AOE Damage Fighting
Level 100
M3 Bind (30s) Target Damage Stun Slow Normal
Level 100
M4 Fury cutter (15s) AOE Damage Bug
Level 100
M5 Guillotine (30s) Target Damage Fighting
Level 100
M6 X-Scissor (30s) AOE Damage Bug
Level 100
M7 Savage Spirit (60s) AOE Damage Nevermiss Bug
Level 100
M8 Secret Power (40s) AOE Target Damage Bug
Level 100
P Bug Instinct Passive Buff Bug
Level 100
P Seismic Toss Passive Damage Stun Neverboost Fighting
Level 100
P Foresight Passive Buff Fighting
Level 100

Movimentos PvE

M1 Bug Bite (8s) Target Damage Bug
Level 100
M2 Vital Throw (30s) AOE Damage Fighting
Level 100
M3 Bind (30s) Target Damage Stun Slow Normal
Level 100
M4 Fury cutter (15s) AOE Damage Bug
Level 100
M5 Guillotine (40s) Target Damage Fighting
Level 100
M6 X-Scissor (15s) AOE Damage Bug
Level 100
M7 Savage Spirit (50s) AOE Damage Nevermiss Bug
Level 100
M8 Secret Power (30s) AOE Target Damage Bug
Level 100
P Bug Instinct Passive Buff Bug
Level 100
P Seismic Toss Passive Damage Stun Neverboost Fighting
Level 100
P Foresight Passive Buff Fighting
Level 100


Muito Efetivo: Fire, Flying and Rock.
Normal: Normal, Water, Electric, Ice, Poison, Psychic, Bug, Ghost, Dragon, Steel, Dark, Crystal and Fairy.
Muito Inefetivo: Grass, Fighting and Ground.

Outras Versões

127-Pinsir.png Pinsir
Megapinsir.png Mega Pinsir