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534 - Conkeldurr.gif

Informações Gerais

Nome: Conkeldurr
Level: 100
Elemento: Fighting
Habilidades: Rock Smash and Headbutt.
Boost: Dimensional Stone (2)
Materia: Gardestrike Mastered.


Timburr precisa de Level 20.
Gurdurr precisa de Level 60.
Conkeldurr precisa de Level 100.


Ao invés de confiar na força, eles dominam movimentos que utilizam a força centrífuga do concreto giratório.


Moveset PVP

M1 Rock Throw (8s) Target Damage Rock
Level 100
M2 Drain Punch (30s) Target Damage Lifesteal Nevermiss Fighting
Level 100
M3 Stone Edge (20s) Target Damage Rock
Level 100
M4 Rock Tomb (15s) Target Damage Slow Rock
Level 100
M5 Hammer Arm (30s) AOE Damage Stun Fighting
Level 100
M6 Wake-Up Slap (15s) Target Damage Debuff Fighting
Level 100
M7 Dynamic Punch (50s) AOE Damage Confusion Fighting
Level 100
M8 Chip Away (60s) Target Damage Normal
Level 100
M9 Bulk Up (50s) Self Buff Fighting
Level 100
P Iron Fist Passive Buff Fighting
P Guts Passive Buff Fighting
Level 100

Moveset PVE

M1 Rock Throw (8s) Target Damage Rock
Level 100
M2 Drain Punch (30s) Target Damage Lifesteal Nevermiss Fighting
Level 100
M3 Stone Edge (15s) Target Damage Rock
Level 100
M4 Rock Tomb (15s) Target Damage Slow Rock
Level 100
M5 Hammer Arm (30s) AOE Damage Stun Fighting
Level 100
M6 Wake-Up Slap (20s) Target Damage Debuff Fighting
Level 100
M7 Dynamic Punch (50s) AOE Damage Confusion Fighting
Level 100
M8 Chip Away (20s) Target Damage Normal
Level 100
M9 Bulk Up (40s) Self Buff Fighting
Level 100
P Iron Fist Passive Buff Fighting
P Guts Passive Buff Fighting
Level 100


Muito Efetivo: Flying, Psychic and Fairy.
Normal: Normal, Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Ice, Fighting, Poison, Ground, Ghost, Dragon, Steel and Crystal.
Muito Inefetivo: Bug, Rock and Dark.

Outras Versões

534-Conkeldurr.png Conkeldurr (TM)