Shiny Pidgeot

De PokeXGames
Revisão de 04h46min de 27 de novembro de 2024 por Kin (discussão | contribs) (→‎Outras Versões)
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Informações Gerais

Nome: Shiny Pidgeot
Level: 100
Elemento: Normal / Flying
Habilidades: Headbutt and Fly.
Boost: Feather Stone ou Heart Stone (2)
Materia: Gardestrike Mastered ou Wingeon Mastered


Shiny Pidgeot precisa de Level 100.


Um Pidgeot muito raro. Batendo suas asas com toda a força, o Pidgeot pode fazer uma rajada de vento capaz de dobrar altas árvores.


Moveset PVP

M1 Quick Attack (10s) Target Damage Normal
Level 100
M2 Sand Attack (15s) AOE Blind Ground
Level 100
M3 Drill Peck (15s) Target Damage Flying
Level 100
M4 Wing Attack (23s) AOE Damage Flying
Level 106
M5 Tornado (60s) AOE Damage Flying
Level 104
M6 Hurricane (45s) AOE Damage Buff Flying
Level 110
M7 Air Slash (45s) AOE Damage Flying
Level 103
M8 Agility (40s) Self Buff Normal
Level 100
M9 Roost (80s) Self Healing Flying
Level 105

Moveset PVE

M1 Quick Attack (10s) Target Damage Normal
Level 100
M2 Sand Attack (10s) AOE Blind Ground
Level 100
M3 Drill Peck (15s) Target Damage Flying
Level 100
M4 Wing Attack (23s) AOE Damage Flying
Level 106
M5 Tornado (50s) AOE Damage Flying
Level 104
M6 Hurricane (40s) AOE Damage Buff Flying
Level 110
M7 Air Slash (40s) AOE Damage Flying
Level 103
M8 Agility (40s) Self Buff Normal
Level 100
M9 Roost (60s) Self Healing Flying
Level 105


Efetivo: Electric, Ice and Rock.
Normal: Normal, Fire, Water, Fighting, Poison, Flying, Psychic, Dragon, Steel, Dark, Crystal and Fairy.
Inefetivo: Grass and Bug.
Nulo: Ground and Ghost.

Outras Versões

018-Pidgeot.png Pidgeot
018M.png Mega Pidgeot
018 Shiny Mega Pidgeot.png Shiny Mega Pidgeot