
De PokeXGames
Revisão de 02h23min de 28 de maio de 2023 por Bella (discussão | contribs) (→‎Moveset PVE)
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142 - Aerodactyl.gif

Informações Gerais

Nome: Aerodactyl
Level: 100
Elemento: Rock / Flying
Habilidades: Fly, Rock Smash and Headbutt.
Boost: Ancient Stone (30)
Materia: Orebound Mastered ou Wingeon Mastered


Aerodactyl precisa de Level 100.


Um Pokémon que vagava pelos céus na era dos dinossauros. Seus dentes são como lâminas de serra.


Moveset PVP

M1 Roar (30s) AOE Silence Debuff Neverboost Normal
Level 110
M2 Super Sonic (40s) Target Confusion Normal
Level 100
M3 Bite (5s) Target Damage Dark
Level 100
M4 Pluck (10s) Target Damage Flying
Level 100
M5 Rock Throw (10s) Target Damage Rock
Level 100
M6 Rock Slide (15s) Target Damage Rock
Level 100
M7 Air Cutter (25s) AOE Damage Flying
Level 108
M8 Wing Attack (25s) AOE Damage Flying
Level 100
M9 Falling Rocks (60s) AOE Damage Rock
Level 105
M10 Hyper Beam (45s) AOE Damage Normal
Level 110
M11 Ancient Power (50s) AOE Damage Rock
Level 115

Moveset PVE

M1 Roar (30s) AOE Silence Debuff Neverboost Normal
Level 110
M2 Super Sonic (40s) Target Confusion Normal
Level 100
M3 Bite (10s) Target Damage Dark
Level 100
M4 Pluck (10s) Target Damage Flying
Level 100
M5 Rock Throw (10s) Target Damage Rock
Level 100
M6 Rock Slide (15s) Target Damage Rock
Level 100
M7 Air Cutter (25s) AOE Damage Flying
Level 108
M8 Wing Attack (25s) AOE Damage Flying
Level 100
M9 Falling Rocks (50s) AOE Damage Rock
Level 105
M10 Hyper Beam (40s) AOE Damage Normal
Level 110
M11 Ancient Power (40s) AOE Damage Rock
Level 115


Efetivo: Water, Electric, Ice, Rock and Steel.
Normal: Grass, Fighting, Psychic, Ghost, Dragon, Dark, Crystal and Fairy.
Inefetivo: Normal, Fire, Poison, Flying and Bug.
Nulo: Ground.

Outras Versões

142M.png Mega Aerodactyl