PokeXGames is a completely free game and you are always welcome to play it.
However, some features of the game are only released to those who contribute to its operation.
Either by donating or purchasing Diamonds within the game itself.
These advantages are:
Special Abilities
Most pokémon have special abilities and some of them can only be used by players VIP.
Such skills can make your journey easier in many ways, making it more fun, practical and providing new experiences.
An example of how important an ability can be is the possibility of fly in pokémon, because, using this method, it is possible to visit distant islands and get around much faster when you're looking for something.
See what abilities a player VIP can use:
Experience Bonus
Every VIP player has a bonus, 50% experience from the Pokémon they defeat, in the first two hours of their stamina.
No Queue Login
A VIP account has the benefit of not waiting in the queue to enter the game when the server is very full.
This will save you time and make your game experience very satisfying.
Note: In special cases, when the server reaches its maximum capacity, even VIP players may face a queue.
However, in such cases 90% of the server's capacity is guaranteed for those who have VIP.
Nightmare World
Flint & Hugh Apocalyptic Business services (Excadrill trip from Nightmare World) is required to have VIP to use.
For more information: Missões_de_Transporte
Exclusive Outfits
Some of the outfit in the game can only be worn by VIP players.
These can be purchased at NPC Cillian, which is located at Celadon Mall or in some cities.
For example:
A VIP player may have the privilege of choosing a profession in the game to help them on their adventure.
The options are: Professor, Adventurer, Stylist and Engineer.
Each one has its advantages and disadvantages, unique items, its own abilities and much more.
Rent Houses
One of the main VIP benefits is the possibility of renting a house.
In your house you can store all your items, decorate it and show players some of your achievements.
You'll be able to show off your rare pokemon, tournament trophies and much more.
PxG Arena
VIP players can join the PxG Arena, which is a common location for all servers.
There you can meet powerful opponents and fight duels.

There is also an exclusive mini-game to this area, Battlegrounds.
Weekly Tournaments
As VIP, you will be able to demonstrate how strong you are becoming by participating in Weekly Tournaments with different modalities each week.
Competing for beautiful trophies and tokens that can be converted into items to equip your Pokémon and cash prizes.
Access to exclusive areas
As a VIP player, you can access exclusive areas, making your journey easier in many ways and making it much more fun.
In these areas you'll find unique pokémon and you'll also be able to do amazing Quests.
The VIP locations are:
Charicific Valley: |
A valley that has become home to strong Pokémon and is guarded by the dragon tamers clan, led by Lance of the Elite Four. |
Green Island: |
A remote island, where a small forest has formed, causing some Grass-type Pokemon to spawn. |
Wildwind Island: |
Resting nest for different types of birds, as well as housing a family of Fighting-Type Pokémon in their caves. |
Hurricane Island: |
Similar to the neighboring island, it is a migration site for several Flying-Type Pokémon, which bravely attack anyone who tries to invade their home. |
Shell Island: |
An island named after the large number of sea turtles that live there. |
LightStorm Island: |
Mysterious location imbued with large amounts of magnetic charges, which attract various types of Electric-Type Pokémon. |
Power Plant: |
A power plant abandoned by humans that has now become home to some Electric-Type Pokémon. |
Desert Island: |
A remote desert, where very intelligent Pokemon were able to build pyramids with their psychic powers. |
Lost Island: |
An island where different disasters happened. The remains of an old stranded ship are still there. Some explorers say they saw ghosts there. |
Tropical Island: |
A famous island among divers, with several beaches that are home to different species of aquatic pokémon. |
Jungle Island: |
A beautiful island known for being a large jungle that is home to several species of Grass-type Pokémon. |
Seafoam Islands: |
Trio of islands frozen by the power of their former resident, the legendary Pokémon Articuno. Cold winds blow in this location, causing several Ice-Type Pokémon to gather. |
Butwal Island: |
Place famous for the presence of diving areas, where rare Pokémon are found. It has a dense forest that is home to Grass-type Pokémon. |
Safari Zone: |
The Fuchsia Safari contains exclusive Pokémon, so don't be afraid to buy a ticket as it will be worth the price. |
Cinnabar: |
The Cinnabar volcano attracts different Fire-Type Pokémon. Some of the most powerful can be found underground, where the temperature is warmest. |
Tarroco Island: |
Island used as a base by the world police, which is in eternal conflict against a criminal faction, Team Rocket. |
Magma Island: |
Location near an active volcano. The heat attracts Fire-Type Pokémon, while the soil formed by solidified lava causes several Earth-Type Pokémon to use the island as a habitat. |
Cleopatra Island: |
An island taken over by Team Rocket, who plans to capture the powerful Normal-type Pokémon that live there. |
Fire Island: |
Home to a mighty bird famous for its ability to bring dormant volcanoes back to full power. |
Ice Island: |
Home to a majestic bird, famous for its beauty and ability to freeze islands in minutes. |
Lightning Island: |
Home to a fierce bird, famous for its aggression and ability to unleash powerful electrical discharges. |
Pinkan Island: |
The fruits present in the place make the native pokémon change color. Because of this, criminals want to capture and sell them, but the police have a base in place to prevent this from happening. |
Seven Grapefruit Islands: |
An archipelago known for being a harvest area for a popular fruit among humans and Pokémon. However, the harvest is currently on pause due to the presence of a giant pokémon, which can never satisfy its hunger. |
Kabuto Fossil Island: |
An archaeological site where a group of humans try to unravel the mysteries of the ancient Pokémon world. It has a set of mountains that shelter some birds. |
Kinnow Islands: |
Trio of paradise islands that house different types of Pokémon. |
Moro Island: |
The city museum appears to have been robbed. Officer Jenny looks for powerful trainers who can help her solve the mystery. |
Murcott Island: |
A forest infested with Bug-Type Pokémon of the most varied types, which attract many collectors to the place. |
Golden Island: |
Island that houses a tribe of worshipers of the Pokémon Meowth, who treat it as if it were a deity. Outsiders are invited to participate in their competitions in the tribe's arena. |
Easter Island: |
An Island with delicious giant carrots where many rabbit-like Pokémon are attracted by the smell of these gigantic vegetables. |
Lakeshore Island: |
An island located northwest of Shamouti where some Water-Type Pokémon inhabit. Here there is an aquatic pokemon that has enormous strength and only great trainers can explore its habitat. |
Sphinx Island: |
A desert that has a sphinx that houses Ghost-Type Pokémon. Explore carefully as there are many mysteries within it. |
Artificial Island: |
An island where you will find an artificial safari, only the best trainers can enter. Duel against other trainers and prove your worth to get an entry ticket. |
Orre Hunt: |
The continent of Orre, composed of the cities of Phenac and Agate, is inhabited by extremely strong Pokémon, only very experienced trainers can fully enjoy the place. |
Outlands: |
The greatest trainers in the world were called to prevent the invasion of powerful Pokémon from another dimension. Enter one of the 3 portals and accept the quest from the legendary trainer, Ash Ketchum. |
Petalgroove Island: |
A new island with hunting locations for Fairy-Type Pokémon, including a new Florges hunt and more. In addition, there is also a secret quest on the island and two NPCs with quests available. |
Leek Island: |
This island is known worldwide for being one of the major migration points in Farfetch'd. This location will be aimed at intermediate level players (50-70), as well as being a good place to try to capture your Elite Farfetch'd. |
Ascorbia: |
A huge island where the hideout of the terrible Team Rocket is found. Some certain areas you won't be able to access walking, it will be necessary to tame Pokémon that know how to fly or swim and use these skills. |
Shamouti: |
An island where the famous duelist club exists. However, some areas are difficult to access. Only more experienced trainers with some special skills can overcome obstacles to explore these locations. |
Fairchild Island: |
This location is known for the aggressiveness of its Pokémon. Because it is a place with an abundance of fruit and food, some Pokémon on this island have developed in a way that they are extremely large compared to Pokémon found in other places. It is on this island that we will see the appearance of the Giant Pidgeot and Giant Rhydon. Be careful when exploring this new location. In addition to the Pokémon mentioned, inside we can find rocky crevices that are home to some Gliscor and Steelix. |