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PvP is a well-known and fun form of gaming. Many players are known as duelists, as they are very dedicated to PvP content.

Throughout the week, players will be able to take part in tournaments to find out who is the best Pokémon trainer. Currently, there are four different tournament categories in which players can face each other: Poké Cup, Pika Cup, Prime Cup and Master Cup.

There are also some differences between the tournaments:

  • Server Tournaments: On weekends, tournaments are held between players on their own servers.
  • Global Arena tournaments: On Tuesdays and Fridays, the tournament takes place on the Global Arena server, where all players can play against each other.
  • Tournament Between Worlds (TBW): On the fourth week of every month, the Tournament Between Worlds (TBW) takes place in the Global Arena. Players from all servers face each other, but this tournament has better rewards. There's also the fact that players' Pokémon are saved in the Server Save on Saturday and Sunday at 07:40 (BRT).
  • Global Tournament (GT): The Global Tournament takes place twice a year. It's the biggest event in the game where players go head-to-head in search of big prizes.

General Information

  • There are two types of tournament, individual (1x1) and 'duos (2x2).
  • The tournament is exclusive to VIP players.
  • When the player uses a Pokémon while dueling in a tournament, it will receive the following description on the Poké Ball "Used in a recent tournament by YourName.". This means that no other player will be able to use this Pokémon in an official tournament duel for 8 hours. If a player tries to use a Pokémon that has been used by another player, they will be disqualified.
  • All the battles are broadcast on their own channels, which can be found among the TV channels.
  • You can follow all the matches and winners via the Tournament Channel (Ctrl+O).
  • The tournament prize pool is automatically sent to the winners' Locker after the tournament has ended.
  • In the event of disqualification from the tournament, the reason will appear in your Default Chat.
  • If the player doesn't duel or only registers for a tournament where the prize is a Conqueror Token, they won't receive this type of token, but another one. In these cases, Honored Tokens are given out as a forfeit.

Important: To take part in Tournaments Between Worlds (TBW), players must have saved their Pokémon in the Server Save for the day of the tournament. For example, for Saturday's Tournament Between Worlds (TBW), the player must have left the Pokémon they want to use in the tournament on their account before Saturday's Server Save, and the same explanation applies to Sunday. It is advisable for players to leave all their Pokémon in the depot.

Tournament Categories

As previously mentioned, there are currently four categories in which players can face each other: Poké Cup, Pika Cup, Prime Cup and Master Cup.
Each category has a different Pokémon CAP, Reference Level, Boost CAP and Held CAP, which will be explained below:

  • Pokémon CAP: Is a limiter that states which Pokémon can be used in each tournament category.
  • Reference Level: This is the level needed to reach maximum strength in the tournament. If the duelist is below the Reference Level, they will be at a disadvantage in terms of strength (attack and HP) compared to opponents who have the Reference Level for the tournament.
  • Boost CAP: Promotes the Boost of the player's Pokémon upwards, up to +70. For example, in a tournament where the Boost CAP is +30 (Pika Cup) and the player's Pokémon is +30 (or higher), its strength will be boosted to +70. If in that same tournament the Pokémon's boost is +10, it will be promoted to +50.
  • Held CAP: Held CAP promotes Held Items from the lowest tier up to Tier 7, as long as the Pokémon's Held reaches the tournament's CAP. For example, if the tournament has a Held CAP of Tier 4 (as in the Pika Cup) and the player's Pokémon has an X-Accuracy Tier 4 (or higher), this system will promote the player's Held to Tier 7 in the tournament, giving it a 100% chance of causing negative statuses. If the player's Held Item is Tier 3, i.e. 1 Tier below CAP, in that tournament it will be promoted to Tier 6, also 1 below Tier 7.

Category Pokémon CAP Reference Level Boost CAP Held CAP Days and times (BRT)
Poké Cup Only Tier 2 and Tier 3 Pokémon are allowed 200 0 Tier 2 Tuesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday: at 3 p.m.
Tournament Between Worlds: at 3 p.m.
Pika Cup Only 2 Tier 1 C Pokémon are allowed 300 30 Tier 4 Tuesday and Saturday: at 5pm
Prime Cup Only 1 Tier 1 B Pokémon is allowed 400 50 Tier 5 Friday and Sunday: 5 p.m.
Tournament Between Worlds: 5 p.m.
Master Cup The use of any Pokémon that can be used in PvP is allowed 500 70 Tier 7 Tuesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday: 8 p.m.
Tournament Between Worlds: 8 p.m.

Note: You can check the Tier of each Pokémon in the PokedexIcon.png Pokédex in-game or on the Tiers (list) pae.

Tournament Level

The Tournament Level system standardizes all tournaments at Level 400, but the player needs to have the Reference Level of the tournament for their strength to actually go to Level 400. The Tournament Level will be the level used by the game to calculate the player's strength during the tournament, with the fixed level being 400 and reduced proportionally to the number of levels the player has below the tournament's Reference Level. Exemplifying the system will make it easier to understand the various scenarios, so check out some situations:

  • Situation 1: tournament with Reference Level 300, player A (level 347) and player B (level 556) will both be at level 400 (Tournament Level), as they both meet the requirement for it (Ref Lv 300).
  • Situation 2: tournament with Reference Level 500, player C (level 508) and player D (level 600) will also both be at level 400, as they meet the tournament requirement (Ref Lv. 500).
  • Situation 3: tournament with Reference Level 200, player E (level 192) and player D (level 600) will respectively be level 392 (400 - 8, which is how many levels player C is below the tournament's Reference Level) and level 400, because E is just below Ref Lv 200, while D has reached it.

Tournament Tutorial

The tournament system has several features. The player has to go to the location, register, form a team, etc. Everything is explained below:

Where the Tournament takes place

The server's weekly tournament is held at the Coliseum, which is located to the left of the Pokémon Center in the city of Viridian.
The Tournament Between Worlds (TBW) takes place in the Global Arena, which can be accessed from the top menu of the client.

Menusuperior arena.png

Meeting the NPC Tobby

To register for the tournament, talk to Npc-tobby.png NPC Tobby.

In the server tournament, the NPC Tobby can be found in the Coliseum.

Tobby coliseum.png Tobby coliseum2.png

If the tournament is to take place in the Global Arena, the NPC Tobby can be found in the following locations:

Tobby arena.png

Checking out information about the Tournament

NPC Tobby provides some information regarding the start time and category of the tournament that is to take place. Select information to check.

Info 1.jpg Info 2.jpg

It is also possible to view the statistics of the players registered with the NPC. In this case, the option to choose is statistics.

Estat 1.jpg Estat 2.jpg

How to take part in each of the tournament's modes

There are two types of tournament, singles and doubles. Click on the desired option below to learn more about how each works.

The individual category of the tournament is the main mode within those currently held at PxG.

Participating in the 1x1 tournament

It's time to take part in the tournament. To do this, you need to register.


Find an NPC Tobby and 'register for the tournament with him.

Insc 1.jpg Insc 2.jpg

Insc 3.jpg

  • After confirming the registration with the NPC Tobby, he will automatically create a team and the player will be ready to take part in the tournament.

During the Tournament

Shortly before the start of the tournament, it is recommended that the Tournament Channel is opened, as messages about tournament events will be sent there.
As soon as the scheduled time arrives, registration will close and a message will be sent on the Tournament Channel informing you of the start of the tournament.

  • To open the Tournament Channel, use the shortcut (Ctrl + O) to open the chat menu and select the Tournament Channel.
Tour channel.png

Click on the desired item to read more about the battles during the tournament:

When the tournament starts, the draws for the matches will be made automatically.
To check who your opponent is in the round, use the !battle command.
This command will display the player's name, level and clan, as well as your battle number in the queue.

Comando !battle.png

Weekly Tournament Prizes

Each weekly tournament category has its own reward, including wonderful trophies.

Note: only level 200+ players will receive Conquerortoken.png Conqueror Tokens as a reward for the weekly tournaments. Level 100-199 players will receive Honoredtoken.png Honored Tokens in the same amount.

Trophy Prizes Participation Prize
Poké Cup Trophy.png Poké Cup Box.png Poké Cup Box (Trophy + Global-arena-legendary-token.png 4 Global Arena Legendary Token + Conquerortoken.png 200 Conqueror Tokens). Conquerortoken.png 20 Conqueror Tokens for participation. Plus 160/140/120/90/60/40/20 Conquerortoken.png Conqueror Tokens based on the player's placement in the tournament.

Note: In the server versions of the Poké Cup, in addition to the above prizes, first place will receive Cash.png 250K and second place will receive Cash.png 100K.

Tournament Between Worlds Prizes

Tournaments Between Worlds take place on the Global Arena server. Each tournament category has its own prizes, including wonderful trophies.

Note: only level 200+ players will receive Conquerortoken.png Conqueror Tokens as a reward for the weekly tournaments. Level 100-199 players will receive Honoredtoken.png Honored Tokens in the same amount.

Trophy Prizes Participation Prize
Nightmare Trophy.gif Poké Cup Box (TEM).png Poké Cup Box (TBW) (Trophy + Global Tournament Legendary Token.png 10 Global Tournament Legendary Tokens + Global-arena-legendary-token.png 20 Global Arena Legendary Token + Conquerortoken.png 400 Conqueror Tokens) + Master-ball(1).png 1 Master Ball + Cash.png 1KK. Conquerortoken.png 60 Conqueror Tokens for participation. Plus 320/280/240/200/160/120/80/50 Conquerortoken.png Conqueror Tokens based on the player's placement in the tournament.
