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Informações Gerais

Nome: Pangoro
Level: 100
Elemento: Fighting / Dark
Habilidades: Dig, Rock Smash, Cut e Headbutt.
Boost: Darkness Stone (2)
Materia: Gardestrike Superior ou Malefic Superior.

Este Pokémon é EXCLUSIVO dos clãs Gardestrike e Malefic em batalhas PvP.


Pancham precisa de Level 50.
Pangoro precisa de Level 100.


M1 Karate Chop (10s) Target Damage Fighting
Level 100
M2 Mega Punch (12s) Target Damage Fighting
Level 100
M3 Circle Throw (60s) AOE Damage Stun Neverboost Fighting
Level 100
M4 Superpower (45s) AOE Damage Fighting
Level 122
M5 Reversal (60s) AOE Damage Fighting
Level 105
M6 Vital Throw (15s) AOE Damage Fighting
Level 108
M7 Quash (50s) AOE Damage Slow Dark
Level 100
M8 Nasty Plot (60s) AOE Damage Buff Dark
Level 108
M9 Safeguard (40s) Self Buff Nevermiss Normal
Level 110
P Tough Spirit Buff Fighting
Level 100
P Scrappy Buff Normal
Level 100


Muito Efetivo: Fairy.
Efetivo: Fighting and Flying.
Normal: Normal, Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Ice, Poison, Ground, Bug, Dragon, Steel and Crystal.
Inefetivo: Rock and Ghost.
Muito Inefetivo: Dark.
Nulo: Psychic.