Mega Mawile

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Informações Gerais

Nome: Mega Mawile
Level: 100
Elemento: Steel / Fairy
Habilidades: Rock Smash and Headbutt.
Mega Stone: Mawilite

Este Pokémon é EXCLUSIVO do clã Ironhard em batalhas PvP.


Mawile precisa de Level 100.
Mega Mawile precisa de Level 100.


Anexado à sua cabeça há um enorme conjunto de mandíbulas formadas por chifres. Pode mastigar através de barras de ferro.


Moveset PVP

M1 Slam (10s) Target Damage Fairy
Level 100
M2 Fairy Wind (25s) AOE Damage Fairy
Level 100
M3 Play Rough (20s) Target Damage Fairy
Level 100
M4 Impale (40s) AOE Damage Stun Steel
Level 100
M5 Hyper Beam (50s) AOE Damage Fairy
Level 100
M6 Spit Up (30s) AOE Damage Normal
Level 100
M7 Swallow (150s) AOE Healing Nevermiss Normal
Level 100
M8 Stockpile (5s) Self Buff Nevermiss Normal
Level 100
M9 Fake Tears (50s) AOE Buff Nevermiss Neutral
Level 100
P Clear Pile Passive Debuff Normal
P Pixilate Passive Buff Fairy

Moveset PVE

M1 Slam (10s) Target Damage Fairy
Level 100
M2 Fairy Wind (25s) AOE Damage Fairy
Level 100
M3 Play Rough (20s) Target Damage Fairy
Level 100
M4 Impale (40s) AOE Damage Stun Steel
Level 100
M5 Flash Cannon (40s) AOE Damage Steel
Level 100
M6 Spit Up (30s) AOE Damage Normal
Level 100
M7 Swallow (80s) AOE Healing Nevermiss Normal
Level 100
M8 Stockpile (1s) Self Buff Nevermiss Normal
Level 100
M9 Fake Tears (50s) AOE Buff Nevermiss Neutral
Level 100
P Clear Pile Passive Debuff Normal
P Pixilate Passive Buff Fairy


Efetivo: Fire and Ground.
Normal: Water, Electric, Fighting, Ghost, Steel and Crystal.
Inefetivo: Normal, Grass, Ice, Flying, Psychic, Rock, Dark and Fairy.
Muito Inefetivo: Bug.
Nulo: Poison and Dragon.

Outras Versões

303-Mawile.png Mawile
Shiny Mawlie.png Shiny Mawile