Global Tournament (TG): mudanças entre as edições

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Linha 85: Linha 85:

* [[Arquivo:Segway_technological.png|link=]]'''1 Segway/Technological Segway:''' It will depend on the package purchased. It can only be used on the Global Tournament server;
* [[Arquivo:Segway_technological.png|link=]]'''1 Segway/Technological Segway:''' It will depend on the package purchased. It can only be used on the Global Tournament server;
* [[Arquivo:TV_Camera_TG25.gif|link=]] '''1 Exclusive TV Camera:''' It will depend on the package purchased;
* [[Arquivo:TV_Camera_TG26.gif|link=]] '''1 Exclusive TV Camera:''' It will depend on the package purchased;
* [[Arquivo:Reset.png|link=]] '''1 Reset:''' It will depend on how many the player acquired when creating the character;
* [[Arquivo:Reset.png|link=]] '''1 Reset:''' It will depend on how many the player acquired when creating the character;
* [[Arquivo:MaxRevive.png|link=]] '''1 Max Revive:''' Unlimited use;
* [[Arquivo:MaxRevive.png|link=]] '''1 Max Revive:''' Unlimited use;
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