Content Creators

De PokeXGames
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"Content Creators" is a partnership project between PokeXGames and Streamers/Youtubers to encourage the creation of content about the game, thus giving partners more visibility within the community.

How it works

Content Creators are divided into 5 categories, each with its own requirements and rewards. Check out the categories below.

  • Twitch requirement: 100 followers and 2 recorded lives about the game (different dates);
  • YouTube requirement: 100 subscribers and 2 videos about the game.

Reward: Rookie Creator Outfit

Female Male
Rookie female.png Rookie male.png


  • It is not necessary for the content creator to use both platforms (YouTube or Twitch) to receive the rewards.
  • Channels with illegal content (selling items in RL, illegal trading, intending to hack other players) or where the team deems the content to be disruptive will not receive awards.
  • Rewards may be removed at any time at the team's discretion.
  • The team will be able to grant the awards even if the content creator does not meet some of the requirements through internal criteria.
  • It is recommended that you make a PxG playlist if your channel has many videos.
  • Content creators in a given category will receive the award corresponding to their category and the previous ones.

How to Apply for an Outfit

If you meet the requirements for any of the categories and are above level 80, you must open a Ticket on the Official Website and provide the following information:

  • Channel link;
  • Desired category: Rookie, Advanced, Expert or Professional;
  • Chararcter that you want to receive the plate.

The ticket should be opened in the Account Issue section. The application will be analyzed and if the player meets all the requirements, they will receive the reward for their category and all previous ones. If you continue to create content about the game and progress to a new category, you should open a ticket again and make it clear in the title and body of the message that it is a "Ranking Update".

Content Creator NPCs

In the Expert and Professional categories, in addition to Outfits and decorative items, players will be able to request Rank 1 or Rank 2 NPCs (depending on the category). These NPCs will be in the Creation Studio, located northwest of the Trade Center.

Entrada CS.png

Once the content creator reaches the Expert category, they can get an NPC with their name on it. This NPC will be in the Creation Studio and will say a phrase chosen by the YouTuber/Streamer. The channel must have been creating content about the game for at least six months. If the channel is exclusively about PxG, this duration is halved.

Figurante CS.png

How to Request an NPC

Attention: Right now, new requests for rank 1 and rank 2 NPCs are on hold as we work on updating the Content Creator system.

Creating an NPC can take time, so the content creator should make the request as soon as they meet the requirements. This time may be longer for Rank 2 NPCs, as it will require approval of the request. To receive the Outfit and Decorative Plate, the request must be made via Ticket. As for the NPC, the request should be sent to CM Mash Kyrielight by PM on Discord.


  • It is not possible to have two NPCs. When you acquire NPC Rank 2, NPC Rank 1 will be deleted.
  • It's fine to record content about other games, as long as you keep posting about PxG.

VIP Studio

The VIP Studio is inside the Creation Studio and is protected by security guards. It can only be accessed by those who are “famous” enough (Expert/Professional category). On going up the stairs, the player will meet NPC Jawed, who is responsible for providing some daily rewards that can be used as decorations or to hold draws. Meanwhile, NPC Karim will be responsible for delivering an exclusive TV Camera.

Jawed Karim.png
NPC Jawed's daily reward
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NPC Karim's daily reward (1x)
TV Camera (Criado de Conteúdo).png