Cleopatra Island Quest (EN)

PT-BR.png EN.png

Banner cleopatra quest1.jpg

Minimum Level: 60

Necessary abilities: Surf (or Fly)

Reward: 80 Empty Ultra Balls, 2 Steelix Tails, 1 Earth Stone and 1 Feather Stone

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To start the search for the reward chest, head to Cleopatra Island, an island located northeast of Shamouti Island.

Mapa CIQ1 1.png

Several Pokémon reside on this island, in addition to protecting the secret chest, so be prepared to face:

Totodile Furret Quagsire Gligar Steelix Piloswine Donphan Gliscor
158-Totodile.png 162-Furret.png 195-Quagsire.png 207-Gligar.png 208-Steelix.png 221-Piloswine.png 232-Donphan.png 472-Gliscor.png

From now on, enter the cave and follow the indicated path:

Mapa CIQ1 2.png Print CIQ1 1.png

After going down the stairs, you'll find the path that leads straight to the secret chest. Be very careful on this path, as there will be many strong Pokémon and they will all be together protecting the place.

Mapa CIQ1 3.png Print CIQ1 2.png

Upon collecting their rewards from the chest, the player will receive the following items:

80 Empty Ultra Balls 2 Steelix Tails 1 Earth Stone 1 Feather Stone
Ultra-ball(1).png Steelix Tail.png Earth-stone.gif Feather1.png

The player will automatically be teleported to their hometown's Pokémon Center after receiving their rewards.