Shiny Fearow

De PokeXGames
Revisão de 04h50min de 4 de dezembro de 2024 por Nalu (discussão | contribs) (→‎Movimentos)
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Informações Gerais

Nome: Shiny Fearow
Level: 100
Elemento: Flying
Habilidades: Fly.
Boost: Feather Stone (2)
Materia: Wingeon Superior

Este Pokémon é EXCLUSIVO do clã Wingeon em batalhas PvP.


Shiny Fearow precisa de Level 100.


O Pokémon shiny do clã Wingeon, com suas asas enormes e magníficas, é o único Pokémon voador puro.


Movimentos PvP

M1 Peck (10s) Target Damage Flying
Level 100
M2 Feather Dance (10s) Target Damage Flying
Level 100
M3 Drill Peck (18s) Target Damage Flying
Level 100
M4 Wing Attack (25s) AOE Damage Flying
Level 100
M5 Whirlwind (60s) AOE Damage Stun Flying
Level 100
M6 Sky Attack (60s) AOE Damage Flying
Level 100
M7 Air Vortex (40s) AOE Damage Debuff Flying
Level 100
M8 Aerial Ace (60s) AOE Damage Flying
Level 100
M9 Confide (60s) Self Buff Nevermiss Normal
Level 100
P Aerilate Passive Buff Flying

Movimentos PvE

M1 Peck (10s) Target Damage Flying
Level 100
M2 Feather Dance (10s) Target Damage Flying
Level 100
M3 Drill Peck (18s) Target Damage Flying
Level 100
M4 Wing Attack (25s) AOE Damage Flying
Level 100
M5 Whirlwind (40s) AOE Damage Stun Flying
Level 100
M6 Sky Attack (50s) AOE Damage Flying
Level 100
M7 Air Vortex (40s) AOE Damage Debuff Flying
Level 100
M8 Aerial Ace (50s) AOE Damage Flying
Level 100
M9 Confide (40s) Self Buff Nevermiss Normal
Level 100
P Aerilate Passive Buff Flying


Muito Efetivo: Electric, Ice and Rock.
Normal: Normal, Fire, Water, Poison, Flying, Psychic, Ghost, Dragon, Steel, Dark, Crystal and Fairy.
Muito Inefetivo: Grass, Fighting and Bug.
Nulo: Ground.

Outras Versões

022-Fearow.png Fearow