
351 - Castform.gif

Informações Gerais

Nome: Castform
Level: 100
Elemento: Normal
Boost: Mystic Star (50)


Castform precisa de Level 100.


Passive - Forecast - normal.

Outras Versões


Movimentos SOLAR

M1 Shadow Ball (10s)      
Level 100
M2 Ember (10s)      
Level 100
M3 Flamethrower (20s)        
Level 100
M4 Fireball (25s)          
Level 100
M5 Eruption (40s)        
Level 100
M6 Fire Blast (40s)        
Level 100
M7 Magma Storm (80s)        
Level 110
M8 Solar Beam (60s)     
Level 100
P Forecast     

Efetividade SOLAR

Muito Efetivo: Water, Ground and Rock.
Normal: Normal, Electric, Fighting, Poison, Flying, Psychic, Ghost, Dragon, Dark and Crystal.
Muito Inefetivo: Fire, Poison, Bug, Steel and Fairy.


Movimentos CHUVA

M1 - Thunder Shock - level 100 - electric. (10s)
M2 - Bubbles - level 100 - water. (10s)
M3 - Water Gun - level 100 - water. (20s)
M4 - Electro Ball - level 100 - electric. (25s)
M5 - Thunder Bolt - level 100 - electric. (20s)
M6 - Thunder - level 100 - electric. (60s)
M7 - Electro Field - level 110 - electric. (60s)
M8 - Solar Beam - level 100 - grass. (60s)
Passive - Forecast - normal.

Efetividade CHUVA

Muito Efetivo: Grass and Eletric.
Normal: Normal, Fighting, Poison, Ground, Flying, Psychic, Bug, Rock, Ghost, Dragon, Dark, Crystal and Fairy.
Muito Inefetivo: Fire, Water, Ice and Steel.


Movimentos GELO

M1 - Ice Shards - level 100 - ice. (10s)
M2 - Ice Beam - level 100 - ice. (12s)
M3 - Icy Wind - level 100 - ice. (25s)
M4 - Shockwave - level 100 - electric. (25s)
M5 - Powder Snow - Level 100 - ice. (40s)
M6 - Aurora Beam - level 104 - ice. (40s)
M7 - Blizzard - level 106 - ice. (80s)
M8 - Ice Storm - level 105 - ice. (60s)
M9 - Frozen Armor - level 100 - ice. (30s)
Passive - Forecast - normal.

Efetividade GELO

Muito Efetivo: Fire, Fighting, Rock and Steel.
Normal: Normal, Water, Grass, Electric, Poison, Ground, Flying, Psychic, Bug, Ghost, Dragon, Dark, Crystal and Fairy.
Muito Inefetivo: Ice.


Ao utilizar o ataque Rain Dance, Castform torna-se do elemento WATER.
Ao utilizar o ataque Sunny Day, Castform torna-se do elemento FIRE.
Ao utilizar o ataque Hail, Castform torna-se do elemento ICE.