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197 - Umbreon.gif

Informações Gerais

Nome: Umbreon
Level: 80
Elemento: Dark
Habilidades: Light, Cut, Rock Smash, Dig and Headbutt.
Boost: Darkness Stone (3)
Materia: Malefic Enhanced


Eevee precisa de Level 20.
Umbreon precisa de Level 80.


Na noite de lua cheia, ou quando fica animado, as formas de anel em seu corpo brilham em amarelo.


Movimentos PVP

M1 Attract (40s) Self Buff Nevermiss Normal
Level 80
M2 Bite (15s) Target Damage Dark
Level 80
M3 Dark Pulse (10s) Target Damage Dark
Level 80
M4 Cursed Hollow (50s) Target Paralyze Slow Neverboost Ghost
Level 80
M5 Helping Hand (30s) AOE Buff Nevermiss Normal
Level 80
M6 Tail Whip (45s) Target Buff Normal
Level 80
M7 Protection (45s) AOE Buff Nevermiss Normal
Level 80
M8 Night Daze (60s) AOE Damage Dark
Level 80
M9 Moonlight (150s) AOE Healing Nevermiss Fairy
Level 80

Movimentos PVE

M1 Attract (40s) Self Buff Nevermiss Normal
Level 80
M2 Bite (15s) Target Damage Dark
Level 80
M3 Dark Pulse (10s) Target Damage Dark
Level 80
M4 Cursed Hollow (45s) Target Paralyze Slow Neverboost Ghost
Level 80
M5 Helping Hand (50s) AOE Buff Nevermiss Normal
Level 80
M6 Tail Whip (45s) Target Buff Normal
Level 80
M7 Protection (60s) AOE Buff Nevermiss Normal
Level 80
M8 Night Daze (60s) AOE Damage Dark
Level 80
M9 Moonlight (80s) AOE Healing Nevermiss Fairy
Level 80


Muito Efetivo: Fighting, Bug and Fairy.
Normal: Normal, Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Ice, Poison, Ground, Flying, Rock, Dragon, Steel and Crystal.
Muito Inefetivo: Ghost and Dark.
Nulo: Psychic.

Outras Versões

197-Sh Umbreon.png Shiny Umbreon