How to play on Linux

De PokeXGames
Revisão de 17h37min de 7 de fevereiro de 2025 por Vicsz (discussão | contribs) (Criou página com 'link=Como jogar no Linux link=Como jugar en Linux PokeXGames provides specific client download for players using the Linux OS. <br> The tutorial was done using the Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS OS. <br> === Step 1 === Initially, it is important that you have already downloaded the client which is available on our <b>[ Official Website]</b>. Remember to download the Linux version. <br> === Step 2 === Once down...')
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PokeXGames provides specific client download for players using the Linux OS.
The tutorial was done using the Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS OS.

Step 1

Initially, it is important that you have already downloaded the client which is available on our Official Website. Remember to download the Linux version.

Step 2

Once downloaded, you need to find the file in the Downloads folder and extract the file to the desired location.

Etapa 2 Linux.png

Step 3

Now just open the folder and run the pxgme-linux file.

Etapa 3 Linux.png

Step 4

Just wait for the game to download the updates and load. Then you're ready to play!

Etapa 4 Linux.png

Alternative method

If you can't use the previous method, you can install it using the terminal:
Initially, it is important that you have already downloaded the client which is available on our Official Website. Remember to download the Linux version.
Open the terminal to start the next steps:

Step 1: Navigate to the Downloads folder with the command cd ~/Downloads;
Step 2: If you don't have it, you will need to install Unzip. To do this, use the command sudo apt install unzip;
Step 3: You will need to enter the machine's password and press Enter. Then just wait for it to install;
Step 4: This is an optional step. If you wish, create a directory for the game. The command is mkdir Name, where Name will be the one of the user's choice;
Step 5: You must extract the file using the command unzip -d Folder name, where the folder name will be the one used by the user;
Step 6: Navigate to the folder with the files with the command cd Name/, where the name must be the one chosen in step 4;
Step 7: You need to add execute permission to the file, to do this, use the command chmod +x pxgme-linux;
Step 8: Run the file using the command ./pxgme-linux.

Important: If you have started the game from the terminal, the game will close automatically if the terminal is closed.