How to play on Linux
PokeXGames provides specific client download for players using the Linux OS.
The tutorial was done using the Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS OS.
Step 1
Initially, it is important that you have already downloaded the client which is available on our Official Website. Remember to download the Linux version.
Step 2
Once downloaded, you need to find the file in the Downloads folder and extract the file to the desired location.

Step 3
Now just open the folder and run the pxgme-linux file.

Step 4
Just wait for the game to download the updates and load. Then you're ready to play!

Alternative method
If you can't use the previous method, you can install it using the terminal:
Initially, it is important that you have already downloaded the client which is available on our Official Website. Remember to download the Linux version.
Open the terminal to start the next steps:
Step 1: Navigate to the Downloads folder with the command cd ~/Downloads;
Step 2: If you don't have it, you will need to install Unzip. To do this, use the command sudo apt install unzip;
Step 3: You will need to enter the machine's password and press Enter. Then just wait for it to install;
Step 4: This is an optional step. If you wish, create a directory for the game. The command is mkdir Name, where Name will be the one of the user's choice;
Step 5: You must extract the file using the command unzip -d Folder name, where the folder name will be the one used by the user;
Step 6: Navigate to the folder with the files with the command cd Name/, where the name must be the one chosen in step 4;
Step 7: You need to add execute permission to the file, to do this, use the command chmod +x pxgme-linux;
Step 8: Run the file using the command ./pxgme-linux.
Important: If you have started the game from the terminal, the game will close automatically if the terminal is closed.