Shiny Lucario

De PokeXGames
Revisão de 21h06min de 5 de dezembro de 2024 por Nalu (discussão | contribs) (→‎Movimentos)
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Informações Gerais

Nome: Shiny Lucario
Level: 100
Elemento: Steel
Habilidades: Dig, Rock Smash, Light and Headbutt.
Boost: Punch Stone (2)
Materia: Ironhard Superior

Este Pokémon é EXCLUSIVO do clã Ironhard em batalhas PvP.


Lucario precisa de Level 100.
Shiny Lucario precisa de Level 100.


Ao ler as auras de todas as coisas, pode dizer como os outros estão se sentindo a mais de 800 metros de distância.


Movimentos PVP

M1 Iron Head (10s) Target Damage Steel
Level 100
M2 Extreme Speed (25s) Target Damage Normal
Level 100
M3 Vacuum Wave (45s) AOE Damage Fighting
Level 100
M4 Close Combat (40s) AOE Damage Buff Paralyze Fighting
Level 100
M5 Bullet Punch (40s) AOE Damage Steel
Level 100
M6 Aura Sphere (25s) Target Damage Fighting
Level 100
M7 Dragon Pulse (45s) AOE Damage Dragon
Level 100
M8 Focus Blast (50s) Target Damage Fighting
Level 100
M9 Double Team (40s) Self Buff Normal
Level 100
M10 Swords Dance (60s) Self Buff Normal
Level 100
P Evasion Buff Passive Normal
P Counter Punch AOE Damage Passive Fighting
P Aura Vision Buff Passive Fighting
P Justified Buff Passive Dark

Movimentos PVE

M1 Iron Head (10s) Target Damage Steel
Level 100
M2 Extreme Speed (25s) Target Damage Normal
Level 100
M3 Vacuum Wave (45s) AOE Damage Fighting
Level 100
M4 Close Combat (40s) AOE Damage Buff Paralyze Fighting
Level 100
M5 Bullet Punch (50s) AOE Damage Steel
Level 100
M6 Aura Sphere (25s) Target Damage Fighting
Level 100
M7 Dragon Pulse (45s) AOE Damage Dragon
Level 100
M8 Focus Blast (50s) Target Damage Fighting
Level 100
M9 Double Team (40s) Self Buff Normal
Level 100
M10 Swords Dance (40s) Self Buff Normal
Level 100
P Evasion Buff Passive Normal
P Counter Punch AOE Damage Passive Fighting
P Aura Vision Buff Passive Fighting
P Justified Buff Passive Dark


Super Efetivo: Fire, Fighting and Ground.
Normal: Water, Electric, Ghost, Dark and Crystal.
Muito Inefetivo: Normal, Grass, Ice, Flying, Psychic, Bug, Rock, Dragon, Steel and Fairy.
Nulo: Poison.

Outras Versões

448-Lucario.png Lucario
448-MegaLucario.png Mega Lucario
448-MegaLucario.png Mega Lucario (TM)
448-ShinyMegaLucario.png Shiny Mega Lucario