Widget:Test3: mudanças entre as edições

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Linha 1: Linha 1:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="pt-BR">
<html lang="pt-BR">
     <meta charset="UTF-8">
     <meta charset="UTF-8">
Linha 7: Linha 6:
     <title>Seleção e Exibição de Imagens</title>
     <title>Seleção e Exibição de Imagens</title>
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Linha 24: Linha 14:
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        button {
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            align-items: center;
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            border-image: url(https://wiki.pokexgames.com/images/3/37/Calculadora-de-Boost.png) 38;
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Linha 103: Linha 33:
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            color: #0d0d0d;
        .hover-minimize:hover {
            transform: scale(0.95);
        .filter-container {
            display: flex;
            align-items: center;
        .filter-container input[type="checkbox"] {
            margin: 0;
            padding: 0;
            width: auto;
            height: auto;
            vertical-align: middle;
        .filter-label {
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            font-size: 14px;
            font-weight: bold;
            color: #0d0d0d;
            line-height: 1.5;
        /* Estilo para os botões de tags */
         .tag-button {
         .tag-button {
             background-color: #f0f0f0;
             background-color: #f0f0f0;
Linha 160: Linha 41:
             font-size: 14px;
             font-size: 14px;
             cursor: pointer;
             cursor: pointer;
            margin: 5px;
             transition: background-color 0.3s, color 0.3s;
             transition: background-color 0.3s, color 0.3s;
            margin: 5px;
        .tag-button:hover {
            background-color: #ddd;
            color: #333;
         .tag-button.selected {
         .tag-button.selected {
             background-color: #007bff;
             background-color: #007bff;
             color: #fff;
             color: #fff;
            border-color: #007bff;
         .tag-button.disabled {
         .tag-button.disabled {
             background-color: #e0e0e0;
             background-color: #e0e0e0;
Linha 183: Linha 56:
     <form id="mapForm">
     <form id="mapForm">
Linha 193: Linha 65:
                 <option value="3">Mapa Roxo</option>
                 <option value="3">Mapa Roxo</option>
             <label class="maps__label" for="mapType">Tipo de Mapa</label>
             <label for="mapType">Tipo de Mapa</label>
         <div id="specificOptions" class="hidden input-group">
         <div id="specificOptions" class="hidden input-group">
             <select id="specificOption" class="maps__select">
             <select id="specificOption" class="maps__select">
Linha 207: Linha 78:
                 <option value="Pisos">Pisos</option>
                 <option value="Pisos">Pisos</option>
             <label class="maps__label" for="specificOption">Local do X</label>
             <label for="specificOption">Local do X</label>
         <div class="input-group">
         <div class="filter-container">
             <input type="checkbox" id="enableFilter">
             <input type="checkbox" id="enableFilter">
             <label for="enableFilter" class="filter-label">Ativar filtro</label>
             <label for="enableFilter">Ativar filtro</label>
         <div id="filterSection" class="hidden input-group">
         <div id="filterSection" class="hidden">
            <select id="filterOption" class="maps__select">
            <div id="filterById" class="input-group">
                <option value="">Escolha uma Opção</option>
                <label for="filterOption" class="maps__label">Filtrar Por</label>
                <option value="number">Filtrar por Número</option>
                <select id="filterOption" class="maps__select">
                <option value="tag">Filtrar por Tag</option>
                    <option value="">Escolha uma Opção</option>
                    <option value="number">Filtrar por Número</option>
            <input type="text" id="searchIds" placeholder="Digite os números ou tags separados por vírgula" class="maps__select">
                    <option value="tag">Filtrar por Tag</option>  
             <button type="button" id="filterButton">Filtrar</button>
                <input type="text" id="searchIds" placeholder="Digite os números ou tags separados por vírgula" class="maps__select">
            <div class="d-flex justify-center align-center flex-column">
                <button type="button" id="filterButton" class="hover-minimize">
                    <img src="https://wiki.pokexgames.com/images/8/82/Botao_Filtrar_Mapas_Adv.png" alt="Imagem botão filtrar">
        <div id="imageContainer" class="image-container hidden">
            <!-- As imagens e suas informações serão exibidas aqui -->
         <div id="imageContainer" class="image-container hidden"></div>
        <!-- Seção para os botões de tags -->
        <div id="tagButtonsContainer" class="input-group">
         <div id="tagButtonsContainer" class="d-flex">
             <!-- Botões de tags serão inseridos aqui pelo JavaScript -->
            <button class="tag-button" data-value="Areia">Areia</button>
            <button class="tag-button" data-value="Gelo">Gelo</button>
            <button class="tag-button" data-value="Grama">Grama</button>
            <button class="tag-button" data-value="Pedra">Pedra</button>
            <button class="tag-button" data-value="Subaquático">Subaquático</button>
            <button class="tag-button" data-value="Terra">Terra</button>
            <button class="tag-button" data-value="Pisos">Pisos</button>
             <!-- Adicione outros botões de tags conforme necessário -->
        <div id="selectedTags" class="d-flex"></div>

Linha 256: Linha 103:
             1: {  
             1: {  
                 'Areia': [  
                 'Areia': [  
                     { id: '101', local: 'Green Island', coordinates: '3780, 3326, 7', tags: ['Areia', 'Água', 'Grama', 'Árvore'], imageUrl: 'https://wiki.pokexgames.com/images/4/4c/Mapas_de_ADV_VERMELHO_-_3780%2C_3326%2C_7.webp' },  
                     { id: '101', local: 'Green Island', coordinates: '3780, 3326, 7', tags: ['Areia'], imageUrl: 'https://wiki.pokexgames.com/images/4/4c/Mapas_de_ADV_VERMELHO_-_3780%2C_3326%2C_7.webp' },  
                     { id: '102', local: 'Wildwind Island', coordinates: '3969, 3300, 7', tags: ['Areia', 'Terra', 'Árvore'], imageUrl: 'https://wiki.pokexgames.com/images/5/58/Mapas_de_ADV_VERMELHO_-_3969%2C_3300%2C_7.webp' },
                     { id: '102', local: 'Wildwind Island', coordinates: '3969, 3300, 7', tags: ['Areia'], imageUrl: 'https://wiki.pokexgames.com/images/5/58/Mapas_de_ADV_VERMELHO_-_3969%2C_3300%2C_7.webp' }  
                    { id: '103', local: 'Wildwind Island', coordinates: '3976, 3334, 7', tags: ['Areia'], imageUrl: 'https://wiki.pokexgames.com/images/6/62/Mapas_de_ADV_VERMELHO_-_3976%2C_3334%2C_7.webp' }  
                 'Gelo': [  
                 'Gelo': [  
                     { id: '104', local: 'Snowy Mountain', coordinates: '3500, 3400, 7', tags: ['Gelo'], imageUrl: 'https://wiki.pokexgames.com/images/7/74/Mapas_de_ADV_VERDE_-_3500%2C_3400%2C_7.webp' },
                     { id: '103', local: 'Snowy Mountain', coordinates: '3500, 3400, 7', tags: ['Gelo'], imageUrl: 'https://wiki.pokexgames.com/images/7/74/Mapas_de_ADV_VERDE_-_3500%2C_3400%2C_7.webp' }  
                    { id: '105', local: 'Ice Palace', coordinates: '3700, 3200, 7', tags: ['Gelo'], imageUrl: 'https://wiki.pokexgames.com/images/8/84/Mapas_de_ADV_VERDE_-_3700%2C_3200%2C_7.webp' }  
             2: {  
             2: {  
                 'Grama': [  
                 'Grama': [  
                     { id: '106', local: 'Green Forest', coordinates: '3000, 3100, 7', tags: ['Grama', 'Árvore'], imageUrl: 'https://wiki.pokexgames.com/images/9/94/Mapas_de_ADV_VERDE_-_3000%2C_3100%2C_7.webp' }  
                     { id: '104', local: 'Green Forest', coordinates: '3000, 3100, 7', tags: ['Grama'], imageUrl: 'https://wiki.pokexgames.com/images/9/94/Mapas_de_ADV_VERDE_-_3000%2C_3100%2C_7.webp' }  
                 'Pedra': [  
                 'Pedra': [  
                     { id: '107', local: 'Rocky Terrain', coordinates: '3200, 3400, 7', tags: ['Pedra'], imageUrl: 'https://wiki.pokexgames.com/images/1/12/Mapas_de_ADV_VERDE_-_3200%2C_3400%2C_7.webp' }  
                     { id: '105', local: 'Rocky Terrain', coordinates: '3200, 3400, 7', tags: ['Pedra'], imageUrl: 'https://wiki.pokexgames.com/images/1/12/Mapas_de_ADV_VERDE_-_3200%2C_3400%2C_7.webp' }  

         const tagButtons = document.querySelectorAll('.tag-button');
         const tagButtonsContainer = document.getElementById('tagButtonsContainer');
        const selectedTagsDiv = document.getElementById('selectedTags');
         const filterButton = document.getElementById('filterButton');
         const filterButton = document.getElementById('filterButton');
         const filterOption = document.getElementById('filterOption');
         const filterOption = document.getElementById('filterOption');
Linha 285: Linha 129:
         const enableFilter = document.getElementById('enableFilter');
         const enableFilter = document.getElementById('enableFilter');
         const filterSection = document.getElementById('filterSection');
         const filterSection = document.getElementById('filterSection');
        const tagButtonsContainer = document.getElementById('tagButtonsContainer');
         const mapTypeSelection = document.getElementById('mapTypeSelection');
         const mapTypeSelection = document.getElementById('mapTypeSelection');
         const specificOptionsSection = document.getElementById('specificOptions');
         const specificOptionsSection = document.getElementById('specificOptions');
        const tags = ['Areia', 'Gelo', 'Grama', 'Pedra', 'Subaquático', 'Terra', 'Pisos'];
        function renderTagButtons() {
            tags.forEach(tag => {
                const button = document.createElement('button');
                button.className = 'tag-button';
                button.dataset.value = tag;
                button.textContent = tag;
                button.addEventListener('click', function() {

         function filterImages() {
         function filterImages() {
Linha 297: Linha 156:

             let selectedTags = [];
             let selectedTags = [];
             tagButtons.forEach(button => {
             document.querySelectorAll('.tag-button.selected').forEach(button => {
                 if (button.classList.contains('selected')) {

             if (filterByNumber) {
             let filteredImages = [];
                const ids = searchIds.value.split(',').map(id => id.trim());
            for (const [mapTypeKey, locales] of Object.entries(specificOptions)) {
                const filteredImages = Object.values(specificOptions)
                 if (selectedMapType && selectedMapType !== mapTypeKey) continue;
                    .flatMap(options => Object.values(options))
                    .filter(item => ids.includes(item.id));
            } else if (filterByTag) {
                 if (!selectedTags.length) return;
                let filteredImages = Object.values(specificOptions)
                    .flatMap(options => Object.values(options))
                    .filter(item => {
                        return selectedTags.some(tag => item.tags.includes(tag));

                 if (selectedLocal) {
                 for (const [local, items] of Object.entries(locales)) {
                     filteredImages = filteredImages.filter(item => item.tags.includes(selectedLocal));
                     if (selectedLocal && selectedLocal !== local) continue;

                    items.forEach(item => {
            } else {
                        if (filterByNumber && searchIds.value.split(',').map(id => id.trim()).includes(item.id)) {
                const filteredImages = Object.values(specificOptions)
                    .flatMap(options => Object.values(options))
                         } else if (filterByTag && selectedTags.some(tag => item.tags.includes(tag))) {
                    .filter(item => {
                        } else if (!filterByNumber && !filterByTag) {
                         return (!selectedMapType || item.mapType === selectedMapType) &&
                              (!selectedLocal || item.local === selectedLocal) &&
                              (!selectedTags.length || selectedTags.some(tag => item.tags.includes(tag)));

Linha 343: Linha 188:
                 imageItem.innerHTML = `
                 imageItem.innerHTML = `
                     <img src="${image.imageUrl}" alt="Map Image">
                     <img src="${image.imageUrl}" alt="Map Image">
                     <div class="image-info">
                         <p>Número do Mapa: ${image.id}</p>
                         <p>Número do Mapa: ${image.id}</p>
                         <p>Local: ${image.local}</p>
                         <p>Local: ${image.local}</p>
Linha 355: Linha 200:

         tagButtons.forEach(button => {
            button.addEventListener('click', function() {
        function updateSelectedTags() {
            selectedTagsDiv.innerHTML = '';
            tagButtons.forEach(button => {
                if (button.classList.contains('selected')) {
                    const tagItem = document.createElement('span');
                    tagItem.className = 'tag-item';
                    tagItem.textContent = button.dataset.value;

         filterButton.addEventListener('click', filterImages);
         filterButton.addEventListener('click', filterImages);
Linha 390: Linha 217:
                 searchIds.value = '';
                 searchIds.value = '';
                 tagButtons.forEach(button => button.classList.remove('selected'));
                 document.querySelectorAll('.tag-button.selected').forEach(button => button.classList.remove('selected'));
                selectedTagsDiv.innerHTML = '';

Edição das 03h30min de 4 de setembro de 2024

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="pt-BR"> <head>

   <meta charset="UTF-8">
   <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
   <title>Seleção e Exibição de Imagens</title>
       .hidden {
           display: none;
       .image-container {
           display: flex;
           flex-wrap: wrap;
           justify-content: center;
           gap: 10px;
       .image-item {
           flex: 1 0 30%;
           text-align: center;
       .image-item img {
           max-width: 100%;
           height: auto;
           margin-bottom: 5px;
       .input-group {
           margin: 10px 0;
       .maps__select {
           width: 100%;
           padding: 10px;
           font-size: 16px;
           border-radius: 5px;
           border: 1px solid #ccc;
       .tag-button {
           background-color: #f0f0f0;
           border: 1px solid #ccc;
           border-radius: 20px;
           padding: 5px 15px;
           font-size: 14px;
           cursor: pointer;
           margin: 5px;
           transition: background-color 0.3s, color 0.3s;
       .tag-button.selected {
           background-color: #007bff;
           color: #fff;
       .tag-button.disabled {
           background-color: #e0e0e0;
           color: #a0a0a0;
           border-color: #d0d0d0;
           cursor: not-allowed;

</head> <body>

   <form id="mapForm">
           <select id="mapType" class="maps__select">
               <option value="">Selecione um mapa</option>
               <option value="1">Mapa Vermelho</option>
               <option value="2">Mapa Verde</option>
               <option value="3">Mapa Roxo</option>
           <label for="mapType">Tipo de Mapa</label>
           <input type="checkbox" id="enableFilter">
           <label for="enableFilter">Ativar filtro</label>
       const specificOptions = {
           1: { 
               'Areia': [ 
                   { id: '101', local: 'Green Island', coordinates: '3780, 3326, 7', tags: ['Areia'], imageUrl: 'https://wiki.pokexgames.com/images/4/4c/Mapas_de_ADV_VERMELHO_-_3780%2C_3326%2C_7.webp' }, 
                   { id: '102', local: 'Wildwind Island', coordinates: '3969, 3300, 7', tags: ['Areia'], imageUrl: 'https://wiki.pokexgames.com/images/5/58/Mapas_de_ADV_VERMELHO_-_3969%2C_3300%2C_7.webp' } 
               'Gelo': [ 
                   { id: '103', local: 'Snowy Mountain', coordinates: '3500, 3400, 7', tags: ['Gelo'], imageUrl: 'https://wiki.pokexgames.com/images/7/74/Mapas_de_ADV_VERDE_-_3500%2C_3400%2C_7.webp' } 
           2: { 
               'Grama': [ 
                   { id: '104', local: 'Green Forest', coordinates: '3000, 3100, 7', tags: ['Grama'], imageUrl: 'https://wiki.pokexgames.com/images/9/94/Mapas_de_ADV_VERDE_-_3000%2C_3100%2C_7.webp' } 
               'Pedra': [ 
                   { id: '105', local: 'Rocky Terrain', coordinates: '3200, 3400, 7', tags: ['Pedra'], imageUrl: 'https://wiki.pokexgames.com/images/1/12/Mapas_de_ADV_VERDE_-_3200%2C_3400%2C_7.webp' } 
       const tagButtonsContainer = document.getElementById('tagButtonsContainer');
       const filterButton = document.getElementById('filterButton');
       const filterOption = document.getElementById('filterOption');
       const searchIds = document.getElementById('searchIds');
       const imageContainer = document.getElementById('imageContainer');
       const mapType = document.getElementById('mapType');
       const specificOption = document.getElementById('specificOption');
       const enableFilter = document.getElementById('enableFilter');
       const filterSection = document.getElementById('filterSection');
       const mapTypeSelection = document.getElementById('mapTypeSelection');
       const specificOptionsSection = document.getElementById('specificOptions');
       const tags = ['Areia', 'Gelo', 'Grama', 'Pedra', 'Subaquático', 'Terra', 'Pisos'];
       function renderTagButtons() {
           tags.forEach(tag => {
               const button = document.createElement('button');
               button.className = 'tag-button';
               button.dataset.value = tag;
               button.textContent = tag;
               button.addEventListener('click', function() {
       function filterImages() {
           imageContainer.innerHTML = ;
           const selectedMapType = mapType.value;
           const selectedLocal = specificOption.value;
           const filterByNumber = filterOption.value === 'number';
           const filterByTag = filterOption.value === 'tag';
           let selectedTags = [];
           document.querySelectorAll('.tag-button.selected').forEach(button => {
           let filteredImages = [];
           for (const [mapTypeKey, locales] of Object.entries(specificOptions)) {
               if (selectedMapType && selectedMapType !== mapTypeKey) continue;
               for (const [local, items] of Object.entries(locales)) {
                   if (selectedLocal && selectedLocal !== local) continue;
                   items.forEach(item => {
                       if (filterByNumber && searchIds.value.split(',').map(id => id.trim()).includes(item.id)) {
                       } else if (filterByTag && selectedTags.some(tag => item.tags.includes(tag))) {
                       } else if (!filterByNumber && !filterByTag) {
       function displayImages(images) {
           images.forEach(image => {
               const imageItem = document.createElement('div');
               imageItem.className = 'image-item';
               imageItem.innerHTML = `
                   <img src="${image.imageUrl}" alt="Map Image">

Número do Mapa: ${image.id}

Local: ${image.local}

Coordenada: ${image.coordinates}

Tag(s): ${image.tags.join(', ')}

       filterButton.addEventListener('click', filterImages);
       enableFilter.addEventListener('change', function() {
           if (this.checked) {
               imageContainer.innerHTML = ;
           } else {
               searchIds.value = ;
               document.querySelectorAll('.tag-button.selected').forEach(button => button.classList.remove('selected'));

</body> </html>