
De PokeXGames
Revisão de 00h58min de 4 de setembro de 2024 por Renee (discussão | contribs)
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<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="pt-BR"> <head>

   <meta charset="UTF-8">
   <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
   <title>Seleção de Mapas</title>
       .hidden {
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       .input-group input[type="text"],
       .input-group button {
           width: 100%;
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       .image-info {
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           display: inline-block;
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       .filter-container input[type="checkbox"] {
           margin-right: 10px;
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           display: inline-block;
           background-color: #007BFF;
           color: white;
           padding: 5px 10px;
           margin-right: 5px;
           border-radius: 3px;
           font-size: 14px;

</head> <body>

       <label for="mapType">Tipo de Mapa</label>
       <select id="mapType" class="maps__select">
           <option value="">Selecione um mapa</option>
           <option value="1">Mapa Vermelho</option>
           <option value="2">Mapa Verde</option>
           <option value="3">Mapa Roxo</option>
       <label for="specificOption">Local do X</label>
       <select id="specificOption" class="maps__select">
           <option value="">Selecione uma opção</option>
           <option value="Areia">Areia</option>
           <option value="Gelo">Gelo</option>
           <option value="Grama">Grama</option>
           <option value="Pedra">Pedra</option>
           <option value="Subaquático">Subaquático</option>
           <option value="Terra">Terra</option>
           <option value="Pisos">Pisos</option>
       <input type="checkbox" id="enableFilter">
       <label for="enableFilter">Ativar filtro</label>
       const specificOptions = {
           1: { // Mapa Vermelho
               'Areia': [
                   { id: '101', local: 'Green Island', coordinates: '3780, 3326, 7', tags: ['Areia', 'Água', 'Grama', 'Árvore'], imageUrl: 'https://wiki.pokexgames.com/images/4/4c/Mapas_de_ADV_VERMELHO_-_3780%2C_3326%2C_7.webp' },
                   { id: '102', local: 'Desert', coordinates: '4500, 5300, 5', tags: ['Areia'], imageUrl: 'https://wiki.pokexgames.com/images/5/55/Mapa_Vermelho_ADV_-_4500%2C_5300%2C_5.webp' }
               'Grama': [
                   { id: '103', local: 'Grassland', coordinates: '5600, 4700, 8', tags: ['Grama'], imageUrl: 'https://wiki.pokexgames.com/images/6/67/Mapa_Vermelho_ADV_-_5600%2C_4700%2C_8.webp' }
           2: { // Mapa Verde
               'Gelo': [
                   { id: '201', local: 'Snowy Peak', coordinates: '2050, 4850, 10', tags: ['Gelo'], imageUrl: 'https://wiki.pokexgames.com/images/5/56/Mapa_Verde_ADV_-_2050%2C_4850%2C_10.webp' }
       const imageContainer = document.getElementById('imageContainer');
       const tagButtons = document.getElementById('tagButtons');
       const filterOptions = document.getElementById('filterOptions');
       const mapTypeSelect = document.getElementById('mapType');
       const specificOptionSelect = document.getElementById('specificOption');
       const enableFilter = document.getElementById('enableFilter');
       const searchIdsInput = document.getElementById('searchIds');
       const filterButton = document.getElementById('filterButton');
       function updateTags() {
           const selectedMapType = mapTypeSelect.value;
           const selectedOption = specificOptionSelect.value;
           let tags = [];
           if (selectedMapType && selectedOption) {
               const options = specificOptions[selectedMapType];
               if (options && options[selectedOption]) {
                   options[selectedOption].forEach(item => {
                       tags = [...new Set([...tags, ...item.tags])];
           tagButtons.innerHTML = ;
           tags.forEach(tag => {
               const button = document.createElement('button');
               button.textContent = tag;
               button.addEventListener('click', () => {
           tagButtons.classList.toggle('hidden', tags.length === 0);
       function filterImages() {
           const selectedTags = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.tag-button.selected')).map(btn => btn.textContent);
           const selectedMapType = mapTypeSelect.value;
           const selectedOption = specificOptionSelect.value;
           const filterById = searchIdsInput.value.trim();
           imageContainer.innerHTML = ;
           let itemsToFilter = [];
           if (selectedMapType) {
               const options = specificOptions[selectedMapType];
               if (options) {
                   if (selectedOption && options[selectedOption]) {
                       itemsToFilter = options[selectedOption];
           } else {
               // If no map type is selected, gather items from all map types
               for (const mapType in specificOptions) {
                   for (const local in specificOptions[mapType]) {
                       itemsToFilter = itemsToFilter.concat(specificOptions[mapType][local]);
           if (itemsToFilter.length > 0) {
               const filteredItems = itemsToFilter.filter(item => {
                   const matchesTag = selectedTags.length === 0 || selectedTags.some(tag => item.tags.includes(tag));
                   const matchesId = filterById ===  || filterById.split(',').map(id => id.trim()).includes(item.id);
                   return matchesTag && matchesId;
                   filteredItems.forEach(item => {
                       const itemDiv = document.createElement('div');
                       const img = document.createElement('img');
                       img.src = item.imageUrl;
                       img.alt = `Mapa ${item.id}`;
                       const infoDiv = document.createElement('div');
                       infoDiv.innerHTML = `
                           ID: ${item.id}
Local: ${item.local}
Coordenada: ${item.coordinates}
Tags: ${item.tags.join(', ')} `; itemDiv.appendChild(infoDiv);
               } else {
                   // Show a message if no items match the filters
                   const noItemsMessage = document.createElement('div');
                   noItemsMessage.textContent = 'Nenhum mapa encontrado para os filtros aplicados.';
       function handleFilterChange() {
           const isFilterEnabled = enableFilter.checked;
           const filterTypeSelect = document.getElementById('filterType');
           const searchIdsInput = document.getElementById('searchIds');
           const filterButton = document.getElementById('filterButton');
           if (isFilterEnabled) {
               mapTypeSelect.disabled = true;
               specificOptionSelect.disabled = true;
               filterTypeSelect.value = 'number'; // Set to filter by number
               filterButton.addEventListener('click', () => {
               // Clear and hide map selection options
               mapTypeSelect.value = ;
               specificOptionSelect.value = ;
               searchIdsInput.value = ;
               imageContainer.innerHTML = ;
           } else {
               mapTypeSelect.disabled = false;
               specificOptionSelect.disabled = false;
               // Clear any active filters
               searchIdsInput.value = ;
               imageContainer.innerHTML = ;
               updateTags(); // Update tags based on current map type and option
       enableFilter.addEventListener('change', handleFilterChange);
       mapTypeSelect.addEventListener('change', () => {
           filterImages(); // Update images based on selected map type and specific option
       specificOptionSelect.addEventListener('change', () => {
           filterImages(); // Update images based on selected map type and specific option
       // Initial call to ensure tags are set correctly

</body> </html>