Shiny Electivire

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Informações Gerais

Nome: Shiny Electivire
Level: 250
Elemento: Electric
Habilidades: Rock Smash, Light and Headbutt.
Materia: Raibolt


Electivire (requer nível 250).


À medida que sua carga elétrica aumenta, faíscas azuis começam a estalar entre seus chifres..


M1 Swift (15s) Target Damage Normal
Level 250
M2 Low Kick (8s) Target Damage Fighting
Level 250
M3 Karate Chop (15s) Target Damage Fighting
Level 250
M4 Shock Wave (50s) AOE Paralyze Electric
Level 250
M5 Focus Punch (30s) AOE Damage Fighting
Level 250
M6 Reversal (70s) AOE Damage Fighting
Level 255
M7 Focus Blast (60s) AOE Damage Fighting
Level 250
M8 Earthquake (70s) AOE Damage Ground
Level 260
M9 Vital Spirit (40s) Self Buff Nevermiss Electric
Level 250
P Motor Drive Damage Electric
Level 250
P Magnet Rise Buff Electric
Level 255
P Static AOE Damage Paralyze Slow Electric
Level 255


Muito Efetivo: Ground.
Normal: Normal, Fire, Water , Grass, Ice, Fighting, Poison, Psychic, Bug, Rock, Ghost, Dragon, Normal, Crystal and Fairy.
Muito Inefetivo: Electric, Flying and Steel.