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429 - Mismagius.gif

Informações Gerais

Nome: Mismagius
Level: 100
Elemento: Ghost
Habilidades: Light and Teleport
Boost: Ancient Stone (30)
Materia: Malefic Superior


Misdreavus (requer nível 100)
Mismagius (requer nível 100)


Seus gritos soam como encantamentos para atormentar o inimigo. Aparece onde você menos espera.


Moveset PvP

M1 Shadow Ball (10s) Target Damage Ghost
Level 100
M2 Magical Leaf (15s) Target Damage Nevermiss Grass
Level 100
M3 Will O' Wisp (40s) Target Debuff Burn Damage Neverboost Fire
Level 110
M4 Illusion Burst (20s) Target AOE Damage Ghost
Level 100
M5 Ominous Wind (30s) AOE Damage Ghost
Level 105
M6 Shadow Storm (50s) AOE Damage Ghost
Level 106
M7 Illusion Yield (50s) AOE Damage Ghost
Level 104
M8 Black Box (40s) AOE Stun Ghost
Level 100
M9 Lucky Chant (40s) Self Buff Normal
Level 100
P Levitate Buff Ghost
Level 100

Moveset PvE

M1 Shadow Ball (10s) Target Damage Ghost
Level 100
M2 Magical Leaf (15s) Target Damage Nevermiss Grass
Level 100
M3 Will O' Wisp (30s) Target Debuff Burn Damage Neverboost Fire
Level 110
M4 Illusion Burst (20s) Target AOE Damage Ghost
Level 100
M5 Ominous Wind (30s) AOE Damage Ghost
Level 105
M6 Shadow Storm (50s) AOE Damage Ghost
Level 106
M7 Illusion Yield (50s) AOE Damage Ghost
Level 104
M8 Black Box (40s) AOE Stun Ghost
Level 100
M9 Lucky Chant (40s) Self Buff Normal
Level 100
P Levitate Buff Ghost
Level 100


Muito Efetivo: Ghost and Dark.
Normal: Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Ice, Ground, Flying, Psychic, Rock, Dragon, Steel, Crystal and Fairy.
Muito Inefetivo: Poison and Bug.
Nulo: Normal and Fighting.