Dark Pikachu

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25-Dark Pikachu.png

Informações Gerais

Nome: Dark Pikachu
Level: 100
Elemento: Electric / Dark
Habilidades: Light and Headbutt.
Materia: Raibolt ou Malefic


Dark Pikachu (requer nível 100)


Após ficar na escuridão por tanto tempo, ele ganhou um tremendo poder evoluído. .


M1 Quick Attack (10s) Target Damage Neutral
Level 100
M2 Dark Pulse (8s) Target Damage Neutral
Level 100
M3 Void Sphere (20s) Target Damage Stun Neutral
Level 100
M4 Foul Play (25s) Target Damage Neutral
Level 100
M5 Pursuit (25s) Target Damage Buff Neutral
Level 100
M6 Flatter (40s) AOE Damage Confusion Neutral
Level 100
M7 Catastropika (35s) AOE Damage Buff Neutral
Level 100
M8 Volt Tackle (40s) AOE Damage Buff Neutral
Level 100
M9 Night Daze (40s) AOE Damage Neutral
Level 100
M10 Quash (50s) AOE Damage Slow Neutral
Level 100
M11 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt (40s) AOE Damage Stun Neutral
Level 100
M12 Agility (30s) Self Buff Neutral
Level 100
M13 Thunderbolt (20s) Target Damage Neutral
Level 100


Efetivo: Fighting, Ground, Bug and Fairy.
Normal: Normal, Fire, Water, Grass, Ice, Poison, Rock, Dragon and Crystal.
Inefetivo: Electric, Flying, Ghost, Steel and Dark.
Imune: Psychic.

Outras Versões

025-Pikachu.png Pikachu
25 - PikachuLightBall.png Light Ball Pikachu