Agatha Quest: mudanças entre as edições

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2 268 bytes removidos ,  28 de junho de 2018
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Linha 44: Linha 44:
Você receberá uma lista com 1 recipiente e 15 itens que deve juntar, porém em forma de enigma. Você deverá descobrir quais são os itens pedidos através das pistas que são dadas. <b>(para resetar a lista, basta errar um item que a lista irá mudar)</b>. Abaixo está a lista referente a cada item pedido:
Você receberá uma lista com 1 recipiente e 15 itens que deve juntar, porém em forma de enigma. Você deverá descobrir quais são os itens pedidos através das pistas que são dadas. <b>(para resetar a lista, basta errar um item que a lista irá mudar)</b>. Abaixo está a lista referente a cada item pedido:

Item Nome do Item Referente à charada
<table border="1" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" class="modernTable" style="padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-size: 10.88px; width: 650px;">
Beholder Eye The most common colors are brown,
blue, green and black
Our guide
Human Eye
<td style="text-align: center; width: 150px;>'''Item'''</td>
It can distinguish about 10 million colors
                <td style="text-align: center; width: 150px;>'''Nome do Item'''</td>
Big Cask 1.589.872,95 Liters
<td style="text-align: center; width: 150px;">'''Referente à charada'''</td>
Big Cask
You can find wine inside
You can store oil inside
Bug Venom It has a powerfull poison
Used to eat leaves
Insect's weapon
Bowl Receipe/Recipiente
Take a Bowl
Bear Paw Hands
Weapons and legs of a giant
Brown Claws
Bat Wing Bloodsucker wing
Bat Wing
Witches like to use
Used in witch potions
Behemoth Fang Ancient tooth
It does not have teeth problems
Elder Fang
Can kill you in one bite
Dracola's Eye Darkness eye
Shadow eye
Eye of blood
Dark Bat Wing Rare wing
Dark Bloodsuker wings
Dark piece a flyer
Dragon Claw A giant lizard weapon
Weapon of the monster with wings
A giant lizard weapon
It can rip you
Frozen Human It's cold here, im freezing...
I cant't mov...frozen...
Flowers The best essence of nature
Piece of spring
A bouquet of
Fish Fin It can strach you under water
Sharp piece of fish
Piece of Fish
Gyarados Tail Piece of a sea giant
Whip of lord of the sea
A tail of a furious
Hook Used by captains
If you lose a hand you can use instead
Pirates like it
Honey Comb Sweet taste
Egyptians used to use
House of a inect
Leaves (sala das estantes) Used to synthesis of light
Hair of trees
Green sharps
Leaves (sala da receita) Small Leaves
Head of a small plant
Small green piece of nature
small pieces of spring
Map Traveler best friend
It does have continentes
You can see the shape of the earth
Onix Tail Rocks
Hard tail
Whip of rocks
Whip of stones
Poke Ball People dream using this in a journey
Critical fort trainers
Trainer's Weapon
Pot Receipe/Recipiente
Take a Pot
Plasmother Remains Green remains
Green and disgusting
Monster's plasma
Piano Maurizio pollini
Used to create symphony
Played by keys
Pinsir Horn It's Hard
The most powerful weapon of a insect
It's piece of an insect
It's pick of in insect
Rat Tail Future piece of raticate
Rat Whip
Small Whip
Squirtle Hull Squirtle house
Turtle's shell
Tortoises protection
Soul Orb Essence incorporeal
Sphere of human essence
Concentration of human energy
Sandbag It comes from rock
Found in the desert
Granular material
Tube Take an Erlenmeyer
Tube 2 Take a Kitasatos
Trap The most popular is used in bears
Insect can step but a giant can die
Do not step it
Voodoo Doll It makes you a puppet
Used in dark magic
Has arm and legs do not move and feel pain
Wood Termite Food
Plant armor
Water Pipe Receipe/Recipiente
Take a Water Pipe

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