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Porygon Z.gif

Informações Gerais

Nome: Porygon-Z
Level: 100
Elemento: Normal.
Habilidades: Teleport, Light, Fly and Blink.
Boost: Heart Stone (2).
Materia: Gardestrike Mastered.


Porygon precisa de Level 40.
Porygon2 precisa de Level 80.
Porygon-Z precisa de Level 100.


Um software adicional foi instalado para torná-lo um Pokémon melhor. No entanto, começou a agir de maneira estranha..


Moveset PVP

M1 Cyber Wave (25s) AOE Damage Paralyze Psychic
Level 100
M2 Cyber Pulse (10s) Target Damage Psychic
Level 100
M3 Dark Pulse (15s) Target Damage Dark
Level 100
M4 Tri-Attack (30s) Target Damage Normal
Level 100
M5 Psychic (30s) AOE Damage Psychic
Level 100
M6 Cyber World (60s) AOE Damage Blind Psychic
Level 100
M7 Magic Coat (50s) Self Buff Psychic
Level 100
M8 Nasty Plot (50s) AOE Damage Buff Dark
Level 100
M9 Barrier (60s) Self TargetBuff Debuff Nevermiss Psychic
Level 100
P Tri-Vision Passive Buff Neutral

Moveset PVE

M1 Cyber Wave (25s) AOE Damage Paralyze Normal
Level 100
M2 Cyber Pulse (8s) Target Damage Psychic
Level 100
M3 Dark Pulse (8s) Target Damage Dark
Level 100
M4 Tri-Attack (15s) Target Damage Normal
Level 100
M5 Psychic (25s) AOE Damage Psychic
Level 100
M6 Cyber World (50s) AOE Damage Blind Psychic
Level 100
M7 Magic Coat (50s) Self Buff Psychic
Level 100
M8 Nasty Plot (50s) AOE Damage Buff Dark
Level 100
M9 Barrier (180s) Self TargetBuff Debuff Nevermiss Psychic
Level 100
P Tri-Vision Passive Buff Neutral


Super Efetivo: Fighting.
Normal: Normal, Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Ice, Poison, Ground, Flying, Psychic, Bug, Rock, Dragon, Steel, Dark, Crystal and Fairy.
Nulo: Ghost.