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Informações Gerais

Nome: Mamoswine
Level: 100
Elemento: Ice and Ground
Habilidades: Dig, Rock Smash, Ride and Headbutt.
Boost: Ice Stone ou Earth Stone (2)
Materia: Seavell Mastered ou Orebound Mastered.


Swinub precisa de Level 10.
Piloswine precisa de Level 80.
Mamoswine precisa de Level 100.


Se ele atacar um inimigo, os pelos de suas costas ficam retos. É muito sensível ao som.


Movimentos PvP

M1 Ice Shard (8s) Target Damage Ice
Level 100
M2 Icicle Spear (25s) Target Damage Ice
Level 100
M3 Ice Fang (20s) Target Damage Ice
Level 100
M4 Icicle Crash (30s) Target AOE Damage Slow Ice
Level 100
M5 Avalanche (30s) AOE Damage Knockback Ice
Level 100
M6 Power Snow (40s) AOE Damage Slow Ice
Level 100
M7 Blizzard (60s) AOE Damage Slow Ice
Level 100
M8 Earthquake (60s) AOE Damage Ground
Level 100
M9 Stone Edge (30s) Target Damage Rock
Level 100
P Mammoth Spirit Passive Buff Ice

Movimentos PvE

M1 Ice Shard (8s) Target Damage Ice
Level 100
M2 Icicle Spear (12s) Target Damage Ice
Level 100
M3 Ice Fang (25s) Target Damage Ice
Level 100
M4 Icicle Crash (20s) Target AOE Damage Slow Ice
Level 100
M5 Avalanche (20s) AOE Damage Knockback Ice
Level 100
M6 Power Snow (40s) AOE Damage Slow Ice
Level 100
M7 Blizzard (50s) AOE Damage Slow Ice
Level 100
M8 Earthquake (50s) AOE Damage Ground
Level 100
M9 Stone Edge (45s) Target Damage Rock
Level 100
P Mammoth Spirit Passive Buff Ice


Efetivo: Fire, Water, Grass, Fighting and Steel.
Normal: Normal, Ice, Ground, Flying, Psychic, Bug, Rock, Ghost, Dragon, Dark, Crystal and Fairy.
Inefetivo: Poison.
Nulo: Electric.