Fighter's Tower Quest

Esta página é uma versão traduzida da página Fighter's Tower Quest. Sua tradução está 100% completa.
Outros idiomas:

Required level: 0.

Recommended level: 160.

Reward: Tyrogue.

If you find any mistake or want to add any info, contact a wiki member.

This is an easy Quest, All you need to do is to defeat the 7 Npcs located in Fuchsia tower which is infront of the Saffari, 1 in each floor, As you progress each floor will be harder, the last one is pretty strong,therefore you'll need a higher level and your strongest pokémon .

Npc Pokémon
Hang Wufei 236-Tyrogue.png
Chun Li 067-Machoke.png
Van Damme 057-Primeape.png
Mai Shiranui 237-HitmontopNormal.png
Jet Li 106-HitmonleeNormal.png
Jackie Chan 107-HitmonchanNormal.png
Chuck Norris 068-Machamp.png

After defeating all of them, right click on the chestBauazul.png south of Chuck Norris hall.