Ash Ketchum

Esta página é uma versão traduzida da página Ash Ketchum. Sua tradução está 100% completa.
Outros idiomas:

Required level: 40

Reward: Unlocks Mewtwo Clones Quest.

If you find any mistake or want to add any info, contact a wiki member.

To begin this quest, you need to have done Delia Quest

1st Part

Find Ash at the enter of Coliseum (left to Viridian city) and click on him:


Ash will ask you to investigate Team Rocket (Jessie & James) north of Pewter city.


2nd Part

When there, click on them.Your first task will be gather and deliver the following items:

  20 Magnets

You'll win 2k EXP, after that they are going to ask you for:

  10 Blue Vines

After delivering the Blue Vines you'll win 3k EXP. Be ready, because you'll face them right away.

3rd Part

After defeating them, go back with Ash, he'll ask you to have 10 official wins or loses on the weekly tournaments ( This part is going to last depending on your level and disponibility on weekends). Use CTRL+S to visualize your profile and verify how many wins/loses you have.


After getting 10 victories or defeats, Ash will ask you to bring:

  1 Pizza
  1 Hamburger

By doing so, he will enable you to participate on the Mewtwo Clones and also to fight against Ash.