Tangelo Island Quest 2 (EN)

PT-BR.png EN.png

Banner tangelo quest1.jpg

Minimum Level: 100

Necessary Abilities: Fly, Surf and Rock Smash

Rewards: 50 Empty Ultra Balls and 2 PokéPark Tickets

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To start the chest search, head to Tangelo Island as in the following image:

Tangelo Island..jpg

Go down from the Pokemon Center to the beach and go left to the shore. Use a Pokémon with Fly or Surf ability to go to the location indicated in the following images:

BT Primeiro Mapa.jpg BT Primeira Entrada.jpg

From this path onwards, prepare to face several Rock-type Pokémon. The player will find:

Geodude Graveler Golem
074-Geodude.png 075-Graveler.png 076-Golem.png

Keep following the path and defeating the Pokémon you find.

BT Segundo Mapa.jpg BT Segunda Entrada.jpg
BT Terceiro Mapa.jpg BT Terceira Entrada.jpg

From now on the number of Pokémon along the way will get bigger and bigger, be very careful!

BT Quarto Mapa.jpg BT Quarta Entrada.jpg

The player will arrive on the last route to reach the chest, and once again, many Pokémon will be protecting it.

BT Quinto Mapa.jpg BT Bau 01.jpg

Note: To open the chest, use Rock Smash on the stone that is blocking the way.

Upon opening the chest the player will receive the following rewards:

50 Empty Ultra Balls 2 PokéPark Tickets
Ultra-ball(1).png PokePark Ticket.png

Once you get the rewards, go all the way back very carefully again.