Linha 44: |
Linha 44: |
| Você receberá uma lista com 1 recipiente e 15 itens que deve juntar, porém em forma de enigma. Você deverá descobrir quais são os itens pedidos através das pistas que são dadas. <b>(para resetar a lista, basta errar um item que a lista irá mudar)</b>. Abaixo está a lista referente a cada item pedido: | | Você receberá uma lista com 1 recipiente e 15 itens que deve juntar, porém em forma de enigma. Você deverá descobrir quais são os itens pedidos através das pistas que são dadas. <b>(para resetar a lista, basta errar um item que a lista irá mudar)</b>. Abaixo está a lista referente a cada item pedido: |
| |
| Item Nome do Item Referente à charada
| | <table border="1" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" class="modernTable" style="padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-size: 10.88px; width: 650px;"> |
| Beholder Eye The most common colors are brown,
| | |
| blue, green and black
| | <tr> |
| Our guide
| | |
| Human Eye
| | <td style="text-align: center; width: 150px;>'''Item'''</td> |
| It can distinguish about 10 million colors
| | <td style="text-align: center; width: 150px;>'''Nome do Item'''</td> |
| Big Cask 1.589.872,95 Liters | | <td style="text-align: center; width: 150px;">'''Referente à charada'''</td> |
| Big Cask
| | </tr> |
| You can find wine inside
| | </table> |
| You can store oil inside
| | |
| Receipe/Recipiente
| | |
| Bug Venom It has a powerfull poison
| |
| Used to eat leaves
| |
| Insect's weapon
| |
| Bowl Receipe/Recipiente
| |
| Take a Bowl
| |
| Bear Paw Hands
| |
| Weapons and legs of a giant
| |
| Brown Claws
| |
| Bat Wing Bloodsucker wing
| |
| Bat Wing
| |
| Witches like to use
| |
| Used in witch potions
| |
| Behemoth Fang Ancient tooth
| |
| It does not have teeth problems
| |
| Elder Fang
| |
| Can kill you in one bite
| |
| Dracola's Eye Darkness eye
| |
| Shadow eye
| |
| Eye of blood
| |
| Dark Bat Wing Rare wing
| |
| Dark Bloodsuker wings
| |
| Dark piece a flyer
| |
| Dragon Claw A giant lizard weapon
| |
| Weapon of the monster with wings
| |
| A giant lizard weapon
| |
| It can rip you
| |
| Frozen Human It's cold here, im freezing...
| |
| Frozenhead
| |
| I cant't mov...frozen...
| |
| Flowers The best essence of nature
| |
| Piece of spring
| |
| A bouquet of
| |
| Fish Fin It can strach you under water
| |
| Sharp piece of fish
| |
| Piece of Fish
| |
| Gyarados Tail Piece of a sea giant
| |
| Whip of lord of the sea
| |
| A tail of a furious
| |
| Hook Used by captains
| |
| If you lose a hand you can use instead
| |
| Pirates like it
| |
| Honey Comb Sweet taste
| |
| Egyptians used to use
| |
| House of a inect
| |
| Receipe/Recipiente
| |
| Leaves (sala das estantes) Used to synthesis of light
| |
| Hair of trees
| |
| Green sharps
| |
| Leaves
| |
| Leaves (sala da receita) Small Leaves
| |
| Head of a small plant
| |
| Small green piece of nature
| |
| small pieces of spring
| |
| Map Traveler best friend
| |
| It does have continentes
| |
| You can see the shape of the earth
| |
| Onix Tail Rocks
| |
| Hard tail
| |
| Whip of rocks
| |
| Whip of stones
| |
| Poke Ball People dream using this in a journey
| |
| Critical fort trainers
| |
| Trainer's Weapon
| |
| Pot Receipe/Recipiente
| |
| Take a Pot
| |
| Plasmother Remains Green remains
| |
| Green and disgusting
| |
| Monster's plasma
| |
| Piano Maurizio pollini
| |
| Used to create symphony
| |
| Played by keys
| |
| Pinsir Horn It's Hard
| |
| The most powerful weapon of a insect
| |
| It's piece of an insect
| |
| It's pick of in insect
| |
| Rat Tail Future piece of raticate
| |
| Rat Whip
| |
| Small Whip
| |
| Squirtle Hull Squirtle house
| |
| Turtle's shell
| |
| Tortoises protection
| |
| Soul Orb Essence incorporeal | |
| Sphere of human essence
| |
| Concentration of human energy
| |
| Sandbag It comes from rock
| |
| Found in the desert
| |
| Granular material
| |
| Tube Take an Erlenmeyer
| |
| Receipe/Recipiente
| |
| Tube 2 Take a Kitasatos
| |
| Receipe/Recipiente
| |
| Trap The most popular is used in bears
| |
| Insect can step but a giant can die
| |
| Do not step it
| |
| Voodoo Doll It makes you a puppet
| |
| Used in dark magic
| |
| Has arm and legs do not move and feel pain
| |
| Wood Termite Food
| |
| Plank
| |
| Plant armor
| |
| Water Pipe Receipe/Recipiente
| |
| Take a Water Pipe
| |
| |
| |