Global Tournament

Revisão de 16h18min de 30 de setembro de 2024 por Vicsz (discussão | contribs)
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For those who don't know it yet, the Global Tournament (in Portuguese Torneio Global, or TG for short) is an event in which trainers from all servers battle to compete for dozens of incredible prizes. In this tournament, everyone has equal chances to win, with the same level and access to the same amount of resources to prepare their Pokémon team! Prove you are the best duelist and show your skills and battle strategies!



The first step is to buy your ticket. Diamonds must be in your account at the official website

Note: You can ONLY sign up through the official website, therefore please DO NOT send your Diamonds for any character. You can NOT sign up with Diamonds acquired in your game server.

After you have the Diamonds in your account, search the website for the Global Tournament option. Next, click on Buy Ticket. Choose the character that you want to participate in the tournament and which pack, according to your quantity of Diamonds. Then, read the rules, check the I agree to the Terms and Rules option and, lastly, click Create Tournament Character.

If you have already purchased your ticket but you want to upgrade it to a better pack, you can buy a Single Reset or the Single Infinite Reset, which can also be found on the same page at the official website. To purchase a new pack, click Reset/Upgrade and choose the one you prefer.

Pack Pack Contents
  15 Diamonds
Creation of 1 Char in the TG server, 1 TG Outfit and a Segway.
Note: as this pack has no Resets, be very careful when choosing your Pokémon and building your team. If you purchase this pack and want to make further changes, it will be necessary to buy a Single Reset on the official website.
  30 Diamonds
Creation of 1 Char in the TG server, 1 TG Outfit, 6 Resets and a Segway.
  50 Diamonds
Creation of 1 Char in the TG server, 1 TG Outfit, an exclusive TV Camera, an Infinite reset and a Technological Segway (faster version compared to the normal segway).

Single Items:
- 5 Diamonds: Single Reset.
Note: After purchasing a Single Reset, it'll be sent directly to your character's depot on the TG server.
- 40 Diamonds: Single Infinite Reset, an exclusive TV Camera and a Technological Segway.
Note: After purchasing the Single Infinite Reset, it'll be sent directly to your character's depot on the TG server, along with the other items contained in this pack.

Guides and Tutorials

Click one of the guides below to access the desired information.

After logging in the Global Tournament server for the first time, participants will undergo an accreditation process. Receptionists will give them a number of Resets and utilities according to the ticket purchased on the official website. After that, they will be free to assemble their team and circulate throughout the Global Tournament server and the Battle Frontier (an area where many trainers participate in events related to duels).


Speak with the Receptionist NPC and confirm which pack was purchased to receive the following items:

  •   1 Pokédex Chip 4.0: This unlocks the Pokédex entries of all available Pokémon in the game;
  •   1 Segway/Technological Segway: This depends on the pack purchased. It can only be used in the Global Tournament server;
  •   1 Exclusive TV Cam: This depends on the pack purchased;
  •   1 Reset: This depends on how many the player acquired when creating the character;
  •  1 Max Revive: Unlimited use;
  •   1 Nintendo Switch;
  •  1 Health Check;
  •  1 Digital Clock.

To send tokens to your server, just talk to the Madame Shirley NPC.


Confirm which character in your account you want to send them to. After that, the tokens will immediately be sent to your locker at the Pokémon Center.

To send the camera to your server, just talk to the Camera Man NPC.


Confirm which character in your account you want to send it to. After that, the camera will immediately be sent to your locker at the Pokémon Center.

Only players with infinite Resets can use the !loadReset <key> command. The player must replace the Tag <key> with any pre-defined word of their choice.

- The !logt and !battle commands are not exclusive to the Global Tournament.

- The duel log !logt can be viewed on the computers of the TG (in statistics).

Comando Descrição
!saveReset <key> It saves the current Reset.
!loadReset <key> It loads a certain saved Reset.
!showReset <key> It shows the Pokémon saved on the chosen key.
!cleanReset <key> It deletes a certain saved Reset.
!listResets It shows all your saved teams.
!cleanAllResets It deletes all saved Resets.
!battle Command used to view the current duel, showing the nickname and clan of your opponent.
!logt It shows your duel history.
!rankt It opens a window where it is possible to see the tournament's ranking in detail.

To get elixirs, just talk to the Elixir Agent NPC, which is at the following location:


You'll receive the following items:   Medicine,   Healing Elixir,   Swordsman's Elixir,   Attack Elixir,   Shielder's Elixir and   Defense Elixir.

Choosing and Saving Your Team

Click one of guides below to access the desired information.

Log in your character, open your bag and use the item called RESET as in the following example:


As you use the Reset, you can click the   symbol available on the new open window and select the desired clan for your character. Use the side arrows to scroll through the available clans and the Select button to confirm your choice.

Note: Be careful with your choice, after you confirm the chosen clan, it will only be possible to change it if you use a new reset.

After choosing your clan, the following items will appear in your bag:

  • T1B Pokémon of the chosen clan;
  • 10x T1 Clan Pokémon Token: Used to acquire T1 Pokémon of the chosen clan. Each T1C Pokémon will cost 1 Token, while T1A Pokémon will cost 10 Tokens;
  • 2x T1 Off-Clan Pokémon Token: Used to acquire T1C Pokémon outside of the chosen clan. Each Pokémon will cost 1 Token;
  • 10x T2 Pokémon Token: Used to acquire T2 Pokémon (either off-clan or not). Each Pokémon will cost 1 Token;
  • 6x T3 Pokémon Token: Used to acquire T3 Pokémon (either off-clan or not). Each Pokémon will cost 1 Token;
  • 400x Held Item Ticket: Used to acquire Held Items;
  • 100x Cosmetic Token: Used to acquire cosmetics, such as Particle Aura urns.

Note: It will not be possible to use T1A Pokémon during daily tournaments and official TG duels. The use of these in tournaments will only be allowed during the TG For Fun.

To buy your Pokémon, you will need to use the TG Market. Click the   TG Market icon available in your inventory to access the purchase interface and choose the desired Pokémon category.


The player can access the purchase window when clicking one of these options. If you want, use the quick search option, and type the name of the Pokémon in the "Search" bar.


Each participant is free to choose any Pokémon and create their strategy. All Pokémon from Tier 3 already released and discovered will be available for team building.

Category Price
T1A Pokémon of the chosen clan
10 T1 Clan Pokémon Tokens
T1C Pokémon of the chosen clan
1 T1 Clan Pokémon Token
T1C Pokémon from any clan
1 T1 Off-Clan Pokémon Token
Mega Stones Box*
Depends on the Pokémon's tier
T2 Pokémon
1 T2 Pokémon Token
T3 Pokémon
1 T3 Pokémon Token


  • The Mega Stone Box includes the Pokémon of choice and its Mega Stone.
  • T1B Pokémon will be acquired automatically when choosing the clan.
Held Item
Category Price
X-type Helds
10 Held Item Tokens
5 Held Item Tokens
5 Held Item Tokens
10 Held Item Tokens
1 Held Item Token

The introduction of the Inactive Held Item provides extra benefits to trainers who purchase the Premium Ticket or opt for the Individual Infinite Reset. These benefits include the unlocking of the "X" and "Y" Inactive Held Item Slots for their selected Pokémon.



  • Trainers can switch a Pokémon's Active Held Item in Safe Zones or before stepping into the duel arena. It's important to note that, once engaged in a battle or during a duel, they will be unable to switch their Pokémon's Active Held Item.
  See More: Inactive Held Item.

The Reset System was altered in TG 22 to provide more comfort to players. In addition to the already known features, such as Reset Settings and Save Settings, it is now also possible to make the Reset public. To access the Reset System interface, simply use the   Ticket acquired in the Global Tournament.


When saving a Reset, the player will have the option to make it public or not. If they opt to make it public, the Reset configurations will be available for any player to load from the list. This system will be available ONLY for trainers who acquire the   Premium Ticket. In addition, each player can create a maximum of 20 Public Resets.


Selecting the "Public Resets" option in the Reset interface will open a list with both your Resets and those other players have published. They will be sorted by popularity among duelists (the most popular will appear first). Additionally, there will be filter options to sort by clan, show your own Resets, or search for a specific name/player.



Tasks PvP

This NPC is responsible for the tasks that ask for 35, 75, 150 and 225 participations in ranked duels.

Tasks Rewards
35 Ranked Duels   150 Global Tournament Tokens
75 Ranked Duels   150 Global Tournament Tokens
100 Ranked Duels   200 Global Tournament Tokens
225 Ranked Duels   200 Global Tournament Tokens and   1 Global Tournament Special Token

This NPC is responsible for the tasks that ask for 5, 15, 35, 55 and 75 victories in ranked duels.


Tasks Rewards
5 Ranked Wins   50 Global Tournament Tokens
15 Ranked Wins   100 Global Tournament Tokens
35 Ranked Wins   300 Global Tournament Tokens
55 Ranked Wins   300 Global Tournament Tokens
75 Ranked Wins   300 Global Tournament Tokens and   1 Global Tournament Special Token

This NPC is responsible for the tasks that ask for 5, 15, 25, 35 and 45 participations in official duels.


Tasks Rewards
5 Official participations   50 Global Tournament Tokens
15 Official participations   150 Global Tournament Tokens
25 Official participations   250 Global Tournament Tokens
35 Official participations   300 Global Tournament Tokens
45 Official participations   350 Global Tournament Tokens and   1 Global Tournament Special Token

This NPC is responsible for the tasks that ask for 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 wins in official duels.


Tasks Rewards
5 Official wins   50 Global Tournament Tokens
10 Official wins   150 Global Tournament Tokens
15 Official wins   250 Global Tournament Tokens
20 Official wins   300 Global Tournament Tokens
30 Official wins   350 Global Tournament Tokens and   1 Global Tournament Special Token

Tasks PvE

This NPC is responsible for the tasks that ask you to defeat the Easy, Medium and Hard NPCs (Except TG Champions).


Tasks Rewards
Defeating the Easy NPCs   200 Global Tournament Tokens
Defeating the Medium NPCs   400 Global Tournament Tokens
Defeating the Hard NPCs   600 Global Tournament Tokens and   1 Global Tournament Special Token

Notes: You must have done the previous task to advance to the next one.

This NPC is responsible for the tasks that ask for you to defeat the 1v1 and 2v2 TG Champion NPCs.



  • Search the surrounding areas as this NPC moves a lot.
  • You must have done the previous task to advance to the next one.
Tasks Rewards
Defeating 1v1 Champions   200 Global Tournament Tokens
Defeating 2v2 Champions   200 Global Tournament Tokens and   1 Global Tournament Special Token



  • The tips were provided by game tutors and some Wiki members. At no point do we want to say that this is the best team to defeat the NPC, our goal is to create a help page, especially for beginning players, who are the ones who suffer the most to defeat these NPC.
  • Not all NPC on the page will be in this TG, as the staff changes which NPC appears in each edition. We'll update this page as soon as TG starts and we duel the new ones there.
  • Awards and various other information may be different in this TG edition. We'll also work to update that information on this page during the TG.

Click the desired difficulty below to view the NPCs in that category. For locations, team spoilers and tips, just click the NPC's image.