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Informações Gerais

Nome: Latios
Level: 200
Elemento: Dragon & Psychic
Materia: Wingeon ou Psycraft


Latios precisa de Level 200.


Um Pokémon altamente inteligente. Ao dobrar as asas durante o voo, ele pode ultrapassar os aviões a jato..


M1 Psychock (30s) AOE Damage Psychic
Level 200
M2 Psywave (15s) AOE Damage Psychic
Level 200
M3 Ice Beam (20s) AOE Damage Slow Ice
Level 200
M4 Charge Beam (30s) AOE Damage Electric
Level 200
M5 Dragon Flight (22s) Target Damage Slow Buff Dragon
Level 200
M6 Dragon Breath (25s) AOE Damage Paralyze Dragon
Level 200
M7 Twister (35s) AOE Damage Dragon
Level 200
M8 Luster Purge (50s) AOE Damage Normal
Level 200
M9 Dragon Pulse (40s) AOE Damage Dragon
Level 200
M10 Draco Meteor (80s) AOE Damage Dragon
Level 200
M11 Safeguard (40s) Self Buff Nevermiss Normal
Level 200


Efetivo: Ice, Bug, Ghost, Dragon, Dark and Fairy.
Normal: Normal, Poison, Ground, Flying, Rock, Steel and Crystal.
Inefetivo: Fire, Water, Grass, Electric, Fight, Psychic.