Boost Table

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This page is structured by detailed tables with the amount of stones each Pokémon needs to reach a certain Boost number. You can find out what type of boost your Pokémon has via the in-game Pokédex or via the Pokémon page here on the Wiki.

Click on the banner below if you want to use the Calculator to calculate the boost you want.

Indice Calculadora Boost.png

Boost +50

+1 1 Stone +11 36 Stones +21 121 Stones +31 256 Stones +41 441 Stones
+2 2 Stones +12 42 Stones +22 132 Stones +32 272 Stones +42 462 Stones
+3 4 Stones +13 49 Stones +23 144 Stones +33 289 Stones +43 484 Stones
+4 6 Stones +14 56 Stones +24 156 Stones +34 306 Stones +44 506 Stones
+5 9 Stones +15 64 Stones +25 169 Stones +35 324 Stones +45 529 Stones
+6 12 Stones +16 72 Stones +26 182 Stones +36 342 Stones +46 552 Stones
+7 16 Stones +17 81 Stones +27 196 Stones +37 361 Stones +47 576 Stones
+8 20 Stones +18 90 Stones +28 210 Stones +38 380 Stones +48 600 Stones
+9 25 Stones +19 100 Stones +29 225 Stones +39 400 Stones +49 625 Stones
+10 30 Stones +20 110 Stones +30 240 Stones +40 420 Stones +50 650 Stones

Boost +70

To boost a Pokémon from +50 to +70, the player must use a Materia or a Powered Boost Stone per boost.

There are 4 different types of Materia and each one is used to boost a different category of Pokémon. In addition, every clan has its own Materia, as shown below:

Materia type What it boosts
Materias.gif Materia Material used to boost pokémon below level 80 (Tier 4).
Enhanced-materia.gif Enhanced Materia Material used to boost level 80 (Tier 3) pokémon.
Superior-Materia.gif Superior Materia Material used to boost pokémon of level 100 (Tier 2).
Mastered.gif Mastered Materia Material used to boost pokémon of level 100 (Tier 1).


  • Volcanic Materia: Charmeleon.
  • Volcanic Enhanced Materia: Charizard.
  • Volcanic Superior Materia: Arcanine/Shiny Flareon/Infernape.
  • Volcanic Mastered Materia: Magmortar/Shiny Magmar.
Telekinetic-compass.gif View more: Alchemy Lab

Boost +80

Currently the Pokémon boost limit is +80. For each boost from +70 to +80 it is necessary to use Pink-Star-Piece.gif 1 Pink Star Piece + 5 Materias from the clan and corresponding tier of the Pokémon to be boosted.
Therefore, to place a Pokémon that is +70 to +80 you will need Pink-Star-Piece.gif 10 Pink Star Pieces + 50 Materias from the corresponding clan.

Exemple 1: To boost a 018-shPidgeot.png Shiny Pidgeot from +70 to +80 the player will need Pink-Star-Piece.gif 10 Pink Star Pieces + 50 Wingeon Mastered Materia OR 50 Gardestrike Mastered Materia. It is up to the player to choose which of the two Mastered Materia to use.
Exemple 2: To boost a 448-MegaLucario.png Mega Lucario from +70 to +80 the player will need Pink-Star-Piece.gif 10 Pink Star Pieces + 50 Ironhard Enhanced Materia OR 50 Gardestrike Enhanced Materia. It is up to the player to choose which of the two Enhanced Materia to use.

Note: The Pink-Star-Piece.gif Pink Star Piece is made by Alchemists, one of the Professor specializations. You can also find out the Pokémon's corresponding Materia by consulting its PokéDex.

Telekinetic-compass.gif View More: Profession Crafts - Professor

How the Boost Machine Works


As soon as you press “Use” in the center of the machine (indicated in green), the boost completion message will appear in the Default chat.



  • It will only be possible to start the process when the system's requirements have been met, whether by element and the number of stones needed for the boost and the Pokémon, both in their proper places.
  • Whenever a Pokémon is boosted, it will increase by one level in order to be used. For example, a Gengar (level 100) that is boosted +30, the player must be at least level 130 to use it.
  • If the player forgets items in any of the slots, they won't be lost, as they have the same storage system as the Pokémon Center Depot or Market Stash.